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Saying goodbye to Rachael had been hard. More than ever he needed her by his side. He couldn't ask her to stay though. She had a husband to return to who needed her just as much. Seungmin had officially moved out of the Bang household. He was now a Hwang. His home was a luxurious estate with dozens of beautiful paintings scattered around the walls. Hyunjin was very talented in that art.

Felix found that intimidating. He didn't have anything he was particularly good at. Other than looking after a farm and caring for his sisters, his talents were very few. It gave him great anxiety. What could he offer to a marriage? Changbin wouldn't want him. Even if he did, Felix would bring Changbin's image down.

He sulked on the couch in Seungmin's piano room. He was glad Changbin was gone for London. It'd been two weeks since he last saw him at Seungmin and Hyunjin's wedding. He wondered what he was doing in London. He heard it was a thriving place but the dangers that came with it were many. He never desired to go there because of that.

He was satisfied with traveling through different towns if he ever got to do so. He never thought he'd have a chance to leave Norbury, but there he was in Wolford. He had two weeks before he left. Or maybe he'd stay. Perhaps his chase for true love was a hopeless feat after all. Midnight was nowhere to be found and there was barely any confidence in Changbin returning his feelings.

He didn't want to marry Jisung but it might be for the best. If he returned to Norbury emptied handed with no wife his mother would be incredibly disappointed. He didn't know how they would react to him favoring men either. They may very well kick him out. Not to mention the farm was shared between his father and Mister Campbell now. He had no place there. It would be embarrassing.

His hands ran over his face in distress. He didn't know what the right decision was. Someone placed their hand on the top of his head and he glanced up. It was Jisung. He had a tender look that expressed concern for him. Of course, he would come at the perfect time. He was too perfect not to; set up by the author of life to save the day whenever he needed.

"What a face. Don't tell me your heart is broken," Jisung stated. His hand fell from his head and down to his cheek which he caressed with the back of his hand. "I don't think I could handle your tears."

Felix forced a smile. "No crying for me today. I've just got a headache," he replied.

Jisung hummed and pulled his hand back. "Why's that?" he asked.

Felix's eyes moved away. "A lot has been going on. I still haven't found Midnight." He released a sigh. "You should stop your chase. You know I'll never love you the way you love me."

Jisung pressed his fingers beneath Felix's jaw and guided his attention back to him. "I do not want you only when you love me. I want you. I want to love you. That's it. It's as simple as that. If I can offer you peace of mind and a comfortable situation full of devotion, I am fine with that. You could use me for the rest of our lives and never once be head over heels for me."

"That's selfish of me to do," Felix argued.

"I'd allow it. I will be someone you can fall back on in the hardest of times. If you have nowhere to turn, come to me. I'll take care of you. I am confident I can make you happy. And maybe you'll end up falling in love with me one day."

Jisung stepped back with a sweet smile. He whispered that he had business to take care of but that he'd see him soon and to not worry about him so much. Then he slipped out of the room and left Felix alone. Jisung was so flawless. He made up his mind. If Changbin didn't love him he'd go to Jisung. He had to figure out how he would confess his feelings to Changbin first.

Every time he found himself close to him he panicked and did the exact opposite of what he wanted. He stood from the couch and made his way out of the estate for a stroll around the area. He needed fresh air. He breathed in the chill air and lifted his face to the sky. Two weeks. He had two weeks to tell Changbin his feelings. Perhaps even less if he stayed in London longer.

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