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Felix pressed his book down on his chest with a sigh. He couldn't read. It'd been two days since the masquerade ball and he couldn't stop thinking about that masked stranger he had so quickly fallen for. He'd talked to so many people around Wolford. Friends of Mister Bang and Seungmin. None of them held anything above the man on the terrace.

He was unique. His opinions were thought-provoking. Felix adored it. But he hadn't a guess at who he could be. All he remembered was short dark hair and a buff stature. There were no hints whatsoever. A true adventure. A puzzle he would have to solve. He was determined.

Seungmin let out a sigh at the other end of the room. Felix turned over and called for him. The younger rolled lazily and met his gaze with risen eyebrows. "What is it?"

"We never talked about the ball. Did you dance with Minho?" he asked, hoping to distract his mind.

Seungmin's expression wavered. "No."

Felix frowned. "I'm sorry. Try not to be discouraged. You may yet win his affection."

Seungmin propped his chin on his hand. "Oddly enough, that is not the reason for my distress."


Seungmin pursed his lips. "Do you remember the blonde man who asked me to dance when we first arrived at the ball?" he questioned. Felix nodded. "I danced with him all night. I couldn't get enough of his humor and our enthralling conversations. In the end, before we left, he showed me who he was."

Felix watched Seungmin pick at his nails with a small smile. "He confessed he has feelings for me. He has for a long time and has been watching from afar. The ball was an excuse to get close to me and deliver his heart's desires."

"That's lovely," Felix cooed. Seungmin's face lit up with a bright pink.

"I find my feelings have been swayed by the man. I feel horrid. How could my love for Minho be so easily left behind?"

"Love happens in a moment. You can't control it."

"Yes, I suppose you are right."

Felix closed his book and moved it onto his bedside table. "What will you tell him?"

Seungmin turned his gaze to Felix. "I don't think I have it in me to turn down a Lord as beautiful as Hyunjin. Not after the night we spent together. He was so sincere with his words. Minho will never love me back. I know this for a fact. Weirdly enough, that thought is not the only thing pushing me toward Hyunjin."

"You are in love with him," Felix sang.

Seungmin grabbed his pillow and threw it at him with a bashful laugh. "You have a Lord after your hand as well!" he exclaimed. Felix wrinkled his nose as he broke out into a fit of giggles at his friend's flustered expression.

"When does he expect an answer?"

"He said I could take my time."

Felix smiled giddily. "You look like you already have it," he said. Seungmin turned his head and bit his lip with a shy nod. "Minnie's getting married, Minnie's getting married," Felix taunted.

Seungmin's hands covered his face. "You have to come with me tomorrow to meet him. I can't do it alone!"

Felix kicked his feet in the air with a joyous laugh. "I get to meet Seungmin's husband." He continued to tease his friend until he grew tired and his mind moved back to the mysterious man from the terrace.

"What happened with you at the ball? Did you find Lord Han?"

Right, Jisung. Felix sat up alert. "I completely forgot about him!" He was so distracted by the mystery he had let it slip his mind that another had already declared interest in his hand.

Sorry, I Love You ☾hanglixWhere stories live. Discover now