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"Is the blindfold necessary?"

Felix was being led somewhere by Jisung, their hands intertwined. The elder insisted that it was for better control but Felix had a feeling he was making that up so he could hold his hand more intimately. He took every opportunity to charm him. His bouquet of roses was a testament to that.

"Entirely unneeded," Jisung told him in complete confidence.

"You know Jisung, abducting me isn't the best way to win me over."

"As if I would ever allow anything bad to happen to you. Abduction is such an ill word. All I've done is fetch you from a boring day of reading books in Mister Bang's." Felix was going to argue that he enjoyed reading just as much if not more than anything else that could preoccupy him but Jisung moved his hand to Felix's shoulder and brought him to a gentle stop. "We're here."

"Where is here?" Felix inquired. All he could find to locate where they were was the smell of a slightly salty breeze mixed with the scent of grass. There was the occasional sound of a buzzing insect as well.

Felix felt Jisung's hand move down to his waist as he made his way behind him. It sent a shock through his system. He wasn't used to being pursued let alone in a way that sought his touch. "Close your eyes," Jisung whispered in his ear. The younger sighed and did as asked, assuring him that they were squeezed tightly together. The cloth fell around his neck with a light pull and Jisung's hands moved over them.

"Open them." Felix saw nothing but black and the warm tones of Jisung's skin that was bathed under the sun. "Ready?" Jisung asked.

"What's all the mystery about. . ."

Jisung's hands removed themselves from their resting place and Felix squinted as the sun greeted him. He spent a few seconds registering it before the view of many different shades of purple welcomed him. Under a baby blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds was a large field of wild lavender. It outstretched as far as his eyes could see. Perhaps it went even further.

He turned to Jisung with an expression that portrayed his disbelief in the situation. The gold layers in Jisung's hair glowed beneath the rays shining down on them and his smile matched the brightness of the sun. "I welcome you to the Han Estate, Mister Lee."

"This is yours?" Felix asked, turning back around to take in the full picture. Butterflies swarmed the area and fluttered around beautifully with their multi-colored wings. Felix felt weak in the scenario. It was everything he'd ever dreamed of and more. They could run for a mile, hands entwined, and sickening smiles spread across their faces.

"Who's else?" Jisung asked rhetorically. His arms wrapped around Felix and he pulled him back into his chest. "Would now be a good time to mention that it could be yours as well?"

Felix sank into him with a lovesick grin. "You aren't quite there, Mister Han."

The man gave a brief sigh. "I'm afraid not," he replied. Felix turned in his arms, only to find that their faces were close enough that he could feel Jisung's calm breaths. His slight disappointment retreated as soon as their eyes met. "You said you liked flowers," he whispered.

"I appreciate the sentiment," Felix returned.

They pulled away after a moment of silent gazing. Felix spun himself in slow circles as his fingertips brushed against the lavender flowers. Jisung watched him with a lovingly amused look as he set out a blanket on the ground between the rows of colorful plants. He took a seat and continued to study the other as he leaned down to greet a bumblebee hugged tightly to one of the buds. He chuckled at the childish glint in Felix's eyes.

Felix was amazed. He'd never seen anything so beautiful before. "Can I pick some?" he asked.

Jisung shrugged. "Whatever you'd like. They'll grow back and as you can see, there's no shortage."

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