Rachael dropped her face into her hands with an intrigued expression written across it. "He pulled me into the creek just the other day. Granted, I shoved him first. That was on accident, though. And he's got the nastiest way of speaking to another. It's a riddle of rude comments and I've yet to hear him say one nice thing to me."

Felix shook his head as his arms crossed over his chest. "That man is the absolute worst."

"I'll have to meet him. No one messes with my little brother," she replied jokingly. A smile came back to Felix's face and they changed the topic to something happier. Their conversation felt never-ending. By the time they were done catching up, it was already dinner time. After that, everyone was heading to bed. They needed their energy for the bug celebration.

Felix could say without a doubt that he was happy for Seungmin when he saw him exchange vows with Hyunjin. A little jealous because it wasn't yet his time, but most of all he was ecstatic for his friend. The ceremony wasn't long. They had to be patient for only a short while. Perhaps it was because they were both so eager to get onto the next chapter of their life together. Whatever the reason, it flashed by in a blur, and then the after-party was in the act.

Felix stayed by the drinks for the most part. He was on the lookout for someone that fit Midnight's description. All he saw, however, was Changbin. Felix had been avoiding him since the day at his estate. He didn't know why. Or maybe he was ignoring it. Either way, he fought tooth and nail to never get anywhere near the man.

"You've barely moved from this spot."

Felix turned his attention away from the dance floor and toward Jisung who had taken the spot next to him. He offered a small smile. "Have I not?"

"Not at all," Jisung replied. His eyes held a flicker of worry in them. "Are you feeling alright?" Alright? No. He was conflicted. All those heavy emotions one felt in a heart-aching romance were catching up with him. "Is it that man? The one you are in love with?"

Felix's smile fell. "I can't find him," he confessed.

"Maybe I can help," Jisung said.

"Why would you help me? That makes no sense."

The Lord offered his hand. "I am in love with you, Felix. I want you to be happy. Whether it is with me or not, I have no control over that. In the end, it's up to you. I do have the ability to ask you for a dance, however. So, shall we?"

The joyous smile across his face made Felix feel a little less conflicted. He realized something at that moment. Something equally sad and satisfying. He wasn't in love with Jisung. The man was just a friend he could count on when it got tough. And he'd have to deliver that news to him, but he'd wait for another day and take his offer at a dance.

"It's been a while since we've done so," Felix said, placing his hand in Jisung's. The elder pulled him into the dancing crowd and spun him around with a chuckle. For a short while Felix was allowed to forget about everything that was stressing him out. He twirled around the floor with Seungmin, laughed with Jisung, and talked some with Hyunjin. Despite everything he'd said about Wolford, it felt like home. He didn't want to leave.

He had friends and a life outside of a boring farm. Although he still loved to read, he didn't have to sit around and imagine a fun scene. He was living them. With Seungmin. With Hyunjin and Jisung. His eyes scoured the room until they found a certain individual. As much as he hated to admit it, with Changbin as well. He found that he was the most exciting of them all.

He was a thrill. The ups and downs Felix encountered with Changbin were oddly enough one of the best things he had witnessed in Wolford. It kept him sane. He was allowed to be angry when he needed and he was entitled to be as imperfect as he wanted around him. Changbin accepted it. He let him be himself.

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