A truth among lies/Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Kazuha smiled and nodded his head.
"Yes, sure."

Scaramouche couldn't hold back his excitement, and he quickly hugged Kazuha.
"Yaaaay! I have a friend now."
He was trying his best to be happy, while he was sounding really grateful now, since it was one of the things he wanted the most.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
He could finally stop feeling alone in this world.

Kazuha laughed and carresed Scara's hair.
"Haha, glad to make you happy."

Scaramouche was really happy to see Kazuha's smile, but he was still worried about all the bad things he could do to him.
"I hope... I won't end up hurting you like what happened with all my previous friends."
He was sounding very worried about Kazuha and what he felt for him, as this was his first friend since a few years back, and he didn't want to get hurt again.

Kazuha laughed in despair and his heart started beating even faster than it already was, it made him even more afraid but he tried to ignore it.
"Let's hope not."

Scaramouche quickly let go of Kazuha when he felt his heart beat speeding up again, as he didn't want to cause him more fear.
"Oh, I forgot you were still afraid of me. I'm really sorry, it wasn't my intention."
He looked at Kazuha with a sad expression and felt his sadness return, like this was the only thing he wanted in his life. Having a friend to talk to and share some moments together.

Kazuha smiled and carresed hir hair.
"It's fine, don't worry."
Kazuha took a deep breath.
"Well, I'm gonna find an exit for this maze... We'll see each other again around, if not, I'll wait you outside the maze."
He smiled.
"Good luck killing the other people I guess... The victory is mine guaranteed! Hehe!"

Scaramouche was feeling a bit overwhelmed by Kazuha wanting to leave, but he couldn't say anything to stop him now.
"Y-yeah... Good luck to you, too..."
He was feeling disappointed by Kazuha's departure, but he couldn't blame him.
"Well, in the meantime, I'll try to kill as many people as possible in here... Hehe! My victory is guaranteed too."
He was trying to act cool again for once, just to hide his sadness.

Kazuha smiled to him, he looked happy.
He waved to Scaramouche as he walked away.
"Good, have fun!"
Kazuha went to another part of the maze which seemed really confusing.

Scaramouche was standing alone, and after a few moments he started walking in a random direction, killing every single person he encountered in the maze.
It wouldn't matter if it was a man, a woman, an elderly person, or a child... He would kill them without a single care.
In the end, Scaramouche wasn't like Kazuha, he wouldn't spare people's lives based on their story or personality.

Scaramouche was eliminating many people, killing everyone he came across, many people were running in fear of him, screams of fear and cries for help, everyone was terrified, each person trying their best to survive but failing.

Even after killing dozens of people, Scaramouche wasn't satisfied. So, he continued his killing spree, not having any mercy for anyone who passed by.
The young man thought that if people hated him, he could at least make their deaths entertaining for himself.
At this point, it could be said that the maze was half empty and half full, as Scaramouche had already killed half the people inside, and the other half were really scared right now.

As Scara passed by, there was a 12-year-old child crying with fear, sitting in the corner of the maze talking to himself:
"I just wanted the money to help my family... I didn't know we would die when we entered here..."
He was terrified.

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