"How you liking the rain girls?"

"Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute man" I stepped away from the boys noticing Bella had stopped in her place and when I looked over to where she was I saw Caleb sitting in his seat

So he was back. and now Bella can give him a piece of her mind like she wanted to

I nudged Bella, a small smile on my face as I passed her which she scoffed playfully at and I made my way beside Edward

"Onion root tip cells" Mr molina said as he walked to the front of the room
"That's what's on your slides right now. okay? So separate and label them into the phases of mitosis, and the first partners together right are gonna win the golden onion" he held up an onion, that was in fact golden and I could hear Edward chuckle at it from beside me

"Ladies first" he said sliding the microscope towards me. I smiled taking it but then I Edward's hands were wrapped around my wrists instantly

His hands were freezing against mine, just like his brothers was but it didn't bother me. It was so cold in a way it felt kind of hot against me, but that was just Edward's touch in general

I looked down from Edward's gripping hands to his face confused but he was still staring at my bandaged hands, his eyebrows furrowed almost angrily

"What happened?" He basically gritted out. Even though he was quite angry the pressure on my wrists never tightened. he was still holding them like they were the most fragile thing on Earth

"I put my hand on some glass yesterday. Totally my fault, i wasn't looking"

"Does it hurt?" He asked

"Not at all" seeing him still staring worriedly at my palms I moved my arms out of his hold and placed one of my hands on his
"Edward. I'm okay. Really" he glanced up and I slowly pulled my hand off, the intensity of his stare was too much and I could feel a blush creep up my neck

I turned my head to the side to try to hide it and looked through the microscope

I had learned about this back in pheonix so this was quite easy

"You need to be careful"

"I will. Prophase" I slid the microscope in the middle

"Do you mind if I?" I shook my head and he brought it close and looked inside
"Prophase" he repeated and I nodded

"Like I said" he wrote down the answer on the sheet before changing the slides and looking through it again

"It's anaphase"

"You mind if I check?" I asked deepening my voice as I did an impression on him. He let out a chuckle

"I don't sound like that"

"Sure" I hummed moving it over to me and once I got it I looked through

"Wrong. It's metaphase" Edwards head snapped up quick, his confused face on show and I let out a laugh
"I'm kidding" he rolled his eyes and wrote it down, shaking his head as I continued to laugh

"You're crazy" I shrugged and changed the slide and took a look

"This one really is metaphase" he let out a lighthearted scoff and took the microscope checking it out for himself

Town's crazy girl - Edward Cullen [1]Where stories live. Discover now