/3\ You're a jerk!

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Tsukasa POV:

(Tsukasa, Rui, Emu, Nene)

It was finally the day we meet up at Phoenix Wonderland (idk the name😭) as i went behind the stage that was there I saw the others there already waiting for me


"Wonderhoy Emu-chan"

"Do you have the wonderhoy script? I know it's the best wootie cutie mootie script ever!"

Oh yeah the script, I handed it to Emu and her eyes shined then she jumped around and showed the script to Nene that seemed impressed too then the girls showed it to Rui and he looked amazed too, this never happened whenever I made a script

This is unusual very unusual

"That's a great script Tsukasa-kun, the people that'll go to the show will love it!"

"I have to agree, you did a good job Tsukasa"

It's true that i made the script with passion but it to be a great script, I don't think so

"I'll go to the bathroom real quick"

"But be quick Tsukasa-kun, we'll practice our moves and our lines"

I nodded and went to the 'bathroom' I really did not i just went to eavesdrop on them, i don't think that their reactions about the script aren't real

I went behind the wall and eavesdroped

"Finally I can drop the act"

"What act Nene-chan?"

"The act that I like the script, it's stupid"

"Awh Nene that's bad to say about the script, Tsukasa must put so much passion into it"

"I know Rui but I got almost most of the words while Tsukasa knows I have stage fright! Plus Tsukasa seems like not acting like his normal himself"

"He's super quiet and not loud"

"That's true but you're complaining about him being quiet now?"

"Nene-chan maybe Tsukasa is having a bad day!"

"Rui I'm happy he's not loud, like his loudness just disappeared but that's great!"

"Maybe you're right"

I knew it! They're still talking about me expecially Nene, I know that it might sound bad but i should really kick Nene out when she's still complaining

I then came back to them and wanted to share my idea with them

"Everyone! I have a plan but it might sound bad"

"Oh go on Tsukasa-kun"

"Nene, I heard you talking about me being loud"

Nene froze in place maybe due to the shock that i know she thinks that I am loud

"Nene Kusanagi, you're officially kicked from the group"

"Whaaaat!? Tsukasa you can't just kick Nene-cha-"

"Yes I can Emu"

"You're a jerk! I hope you dissappear! Forever"

Nene said before running away from behind the stage

"You messed up Tsukasa-kun"


Emu said while running after Nene with Nene's bag, Emu yelled and ran to catch up with Nene but Emu just fell to her knees and started sobbing and crying


Me and Rui came to Emu I didn't try to comfort Emu but Rui did

"Tsukasa! You're a jerk! Why did you kick Nene-chan! She was the best!"

"Tsukasa-kun go away! I and the others don't want to see you!"

Those words broke me, I started sobbing and then runned away from them back to my house and back to my room

After a while I made it back to my room and sat down at my desk


I'm all alone again, as always my parents are with Saki because of her treatments, oh yeah I still need to make some food for myself

No Tsukasa, think about the others you don't want to be a selfish brat, don't you? Gosh you messed up again Tsukasa! You had such wonderful friends and now you have nothing

I touched my face and I had tears on my cheeks and under my eyes, I quickly wiped them off and smacked my head on my

I should die, I deserve it

I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die
I deserve to die

Tsukasa your so stupid, you just lost all of your friends now you're alone alone

I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone
I'm all alone

Awesome Tsukasa, you should die I should die for the good

(925 words)

The End Of A Star |Tsukasa angst|Where stories live. Discover now