Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Mundus Supra Fidem

Jamie's POV:

Hunter just stood there. In front of me, waiting. So I slowly looked down at the old leather book and brushed my hand against its cover. The cover was hard, and the sides of the pages were raged, dirty, and worn out. "Mundas Supra Fidem" I said barely a whisper. I was about to open the book when a loud cracking sound was made. Followed by a large bang. Next thing I know, the book was ripped from my hands and I looked up to see Derek. He was clearly upset. His face was red and his muscles strained. He narrowed his eyes at me. "What were you doing with this book?" He growled at me and I couldn't stop looking at him. I started to shake. I couldn't speak, while everything in me told me to run, I couldn't move.

Hunters POV:

"Derek!" I could tell he was going to dig into Jamie's neck any second. "Derek, it's alright. I gave her the book. Now put it down and get out." He looked up at me with confusion, which quickly morphed into anger. After a short silence he put the book down on the bed. "Hunter, outside now." Derek growled at me. "Jamie, why don't you hold off on the book for now, I'll be back." I walked out of the room with Derek hot on my trail. I shut and locked Jamie's door. "What!?!" I whisper shouted as my patience grew thin. Now I was angry, but I knew exactly what Derek was frustrated with. "You know very well she can't have that book. It's dangerous." Did Derek just say that? Does he care about Jamie? "She's fine Derek. Since when do you care?" He suddenly looked nervous. Then his anger returned. "Your putting her and yourself in danger. She can't know about our world." "She's my slave, and I'll do as I please with her." "Fine! Do what you want! But don't come crying to me when things go wrong!" Derek stormed off and I just stood my ground. I know it's risky, but it feels right.

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