Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:Derek

Hunter's POV: gardens

.I was dozing in and out of sleep. Jamie was so tired. And so vulnerable, and scared. Why am I such a jerk!?! Why did I lose my temper with her like that? I'm usually so patient. Except when it comes to Derek. Derek is not a good brother. Sometimes I wish he would just disappear from my life. But family is family right? Jamie moaned a bit. I looked down to see her dark hair falling perfectly behind her. Her already fair skin seeming paler. She looked so weak. I haven't even drawn blood from her yet. But the man who sold her did say she was pale. I suppose I got what I bargained for. Easy for traveling,easy to drink from, and not hard to handle. Not to mention easy on the eyes. Such a shame that people won't get to see her beauty anymore. Maybe when we travel, I suppose I could bring her with me once her behavior got in line. Jamie pushed away from me a bit, leaving me not touching her. Which I didn't like, she's so warm against my icy cold skin. I sat up, and slid off my shirt. Then I snuggled back in with her. So warm, so pure, so innocent. She snuggled into my chest gripping me tightly. She started to moan and whimper in her sleep, she must be having a nightmare I thought. Suddenly Jamie's eyes popped open and tears came shooting out of her eyes, she sat up immediately, crying and gasping for air. I sat up too and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Jamie it's okay. What's wrong? Are you alright?" I stuck my head in the crook of her neck. She pulled her knees into her chest and started sobbing into her hands. "Jamie tell me what's wrong. It's okay, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Your gonna be fine." She's scared of me. She hates me. She probably thinks I'm a monster. Well she is the monster! She's the one who probably tortures teenage girls! Still, there's something that makes me so drawn to her. So emotional when I think about her. I can't stand seeing her upset but have no idea why. Jamie is special to me. I just don't know how.

Jamie's POV:

That dream was horrid! I can't believe the violence and pain! Why do I have these dreams? Now I was sobbing. "Jamie tell me what's wrong. It's okay,I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Your gonna be fine." I continued sobbing. "Please Jamie! Don't cry. Don't be sad." He started rubbing circles in my back. Wait a minute, it was just dawning on me that I was in bed, with a shirtless Hunter. Too upset to care, I turned around and started to sob into my pillow. "Just go away!" My voice was muffled by the pillow. "No! Not until you tell me what's wrong." Hunter laid on top of me, wrapping is strong arms around me. "I had a bad dream, that's all." I started to return to natural breathing. Now I only had streaks of tears running down my face. I turned over to face him. He leaned up a little, giving me room to turn myself, then he placed himself right back on top of me. "You wanna talk about it?" "No thank you. Not right now anyway. But thank you." I sat up and hugged him close, just staying that way while the tears rolled down my face.

Hunter's POV:

She's leaning into me! Maybe she doesn't hate me! Or maybe she just really needs comfort. Maybe both? Who knows? But it's an accomplishment right? "Jamie?" "Yeah?" "I wanna show you something. Throw on some clothes. Something really comfortable. Even sweatpants are fine. But something warm." She looked at me confused and I just nodded. So she went to her closet, and shut the door behind her. I threw on my shirt and only waited a few minutes before she came out. Jamie was wearing grey sweatpants, a black hoodie, and old sneakers. "Okay, so, what do you wanna show me?" I smiled at her. Then took her hand as I led her downstairs. She had wiped away her tears and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She wasn't a very petite girl, but she was beautiful, not too weak, not too strong or rough, just right. She was gentle but not as fragile as a snowflake. She was the perfect size for me. My arms fit so perfectly around her. My thoughts snapped back to the reality. She's not a good girl, she does not deserve a friend, yet I'm so driven to comfort her. Even though I don't lie girls like her. I suppose I'll have to choose eventually what I'll do with her. I took her out through the back doors and smiled before turning to her.

Jamie's POV:

I gasped. "Oh my gosh!" I whisper yelled. "Do you like it?" It took a moment to process what was before me. "It's beautiful."

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