♧ Chapter 5: Mr. Familiar ♧

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As the cold wind blew through the dark and empty streets, [Y/N] walked alone, paws tucked into her pockets, shivering from the bitter cold. She cursed herself for not bringing a coat, her teeth chattering as she continued down the dimly lit path. The flickering streetlights and the silence were the only companions she had, aside from the crickets and the sound of her own footsteps.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the desolate streets. "Looks like we've got some company here," a thug sneered, stepping out of an alleyway and leaning against the wall, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

The other thug emerged from the shadows, his knife stained with blood. "What should we do? Take her or kill her like the rest, monsieur?" he asked, eyeing [Y/N] with menace.

Fear coursed through her veins as she fumbled for her broken pocket gun. Just as the second thug lunged towards her, ready to strike, a gunshot rang out, and the thug fell lifelessly to the ground. A wave of relief washed over [Y/N] as she realized someone had just saved her life.

Her hair cascaded onto her face as she turned to see the lifeless body of the thug, her hands trembling.

The remaining thug, startled by the sudden turn of events, attempted to flee. However, before he could make his escape, he, too, was shot in the back. [Y/N] dropped her violin case, her heart pounding as she cautiously turned to face them. In the darkness, she could only make out a pair of striking Olive eyes belonging to the same familiar feline she had encountered earlier at the Sable.

"Who are you...?" [Y/N] stammered, her voice trembling as she took a step back, still clutching the gun.

The feline approached slowly, his eyes shining in the darkness. "It seems like you don't remember anything after the incident," he said, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Don't come any closer, or I will shoot you!" [Y/N] warned, her voice echoing through the empty streets. The feline stopped in front of her, seemingly unperturbed by the threat.

"I came to talk to you, [Y/N]," he replied calmly, continuing towards her.

Confusion overwhelmed her as she wondered how this stranger knew her name.

"If you came here to save me, then let me go! And how do you know my name?" she questioned, her voice still quivering.

"He's not even holding you hostage, sweetheart," another voice chimed in.

[Y/N] turned to see two more figures, Serafine and Nicodeme, standing on either side of the feline.

'What do I do? Am I going to die?' [Y/N] panicked, her mind racing. 'I need to fight back!' Momentarily lost in her thoughts, she snapped back to reality when someone grabbed her arm, forcing her to drop the gun. She instinctively kicked Mr. Olive eyes(Mordecai) in the stomach, causing him to release his grip. Seizing the opportunity, [Y/N] snatched up her violin case and fled, her destination unknown, fueled only by desperation.

Serafine, ready to pursue, was halted with a mere gesture from Mordecai.

"Let her go," he commanded, his gaze unwavering.

He said as he glared Serafine in the side of his eye and looked at you running helplessly as you stumbled, making a left now out of his sight. Serafine couldn't help but growl.

Reluctantly, Serafine retreated, returning to where they had parked their car in the alleyway.

"You owe us big," Nicodeme growled, his anger evident, as he followed Serafine.

Meanwhile, Mordecai picked up the gun [Y/N] had dropped. He inspected it briefly, finding an initial 'M' engraved on its surface.

"She still keeps it," he murmured, his expression unreadable, before tucking the gun into his coat pocket.

With a sigh, he turned his gaze towards the path [Y/N] had taken, contemplating what unfolded that night and silently following his companions.


[Y/N] made it back to her home, her breath labored as she collapsed on the stairs in front of her door. She placed her violin case beside her, gripping it tightly as she tried to process the events that had just transpired.

However, her thoughts were interrupted as the door opened behind her, revealing her brother, Luther, holding a glass of water.

She turned to face him, quickly averting her gaze to avoid showing any signs of distress. Luther closed the door, taking a seat next to [Y/N] on the steps.

He offered her the water, which she gratefully accepted, gulping it down in one go. An uneasy silence enveloped them until Luther finally spoke.

"How's work?" he asked, his voice void of emotion as he stared at the starry night sky.

"It was... great," [Y/N] replied, fidgeting with the glass, her tone tinged with sadness.

He hummed in response, a subtle acknowledgment of her words. Sensing her exhaustion, [Y/N] urged him to go to bed, assuring him that she would be fine. Before he turned to leave, Luther reminded her that there was dinner in the fridge, a small gesture of care that she reciprocated with gratitude.


As [Y/N] tidied up, she let herself fall onto her bed, her mind still reeling from the night's events. The enigmatic feline with emerald eyes haunted her thoughts, his familiarity all the more perplexing. Who was he, and why did he know her name? What did they want from her? Were they acquainted in some way? The questions swirled endlessly in her mind, preventing sleep from finding its way to her weary body. She rolled onto her side, gazing out of the window, only to be met with the harsh reality of the time—1 AM.

With a weary sigh, [Y/N] resigned herself to the sleepless night, her mind consumed by unanswered questions. And so, the darkness lingered, cloaking her in its embrace as she ventured deeper into the unknown, her journey far from over.

To BE continued...End.

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