♧ Chapter 4: Chaos ♧

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Rocky stumbled upon a case, which he excitedly opened to reveal a rifle. He eagerly handed it to Freckle, who protested, "No, no, no!"

But Rocky persisted, urging, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Freckle's voice shook as he stammered, "I, I, I g- I, u... I..."

Rocky encouraged him, saying, "Play us a symphony."

The sound of rifle fire echoed through the air, followed by the shattering of glass.

Ivy exclaimed, "Holy simoleon!"

[Y/N], amidst the chaos, couldn't help but question their own situation, laughing nervously and muttering, "How did I even end up here?"

Serafine joined in the madness, laughing as they fired shots in front of the car where [Y/N] and the others were.

Rocky gasped, quickly closing the icebox that had been opened by the gun.

Startled, Rocky screamed, alarming Ivy, who asked, "What's going on back there?"

[Y/N] looked behind and saw Rocky hanging on behind the car, exclaiming, "Rocky, the liquor- Rocky!?"

Serafine laughed while the others tried to process the situation.

Nicodeme chuckled, realizing, "I guess this one is the bait."

Rocky, noticing the spilled liquor, pleaded, "Oh no, stay with me!"

Nicodeme and Rocky shared a glance when suddenly Freckle's maniacal laughter filled the air as he continued shooting at the car behind them, forcing Nicodeme to halt.

Rocky took advantage of the distraction, quickly tying the chest, while Freckle kept shooting with wild abandon.

Nicodeme laughed and commented, "I think I swallowed a bug."

Serafine joined in, replying, "You got a big, fat bebette for dinner? No fair."

Nicodeme coughed and spat, joking, "Naw. Just more glass."

Mordecai, ever serious, remarked, "Profoundly unprofessional."

Nicodeme, undeterred, suggested, "Well, they got more firepower than I expected. But you want to take over drivin' back there?"

Mordecai declined, saying, "No. Especially now that you have alleviated us of our windshield."

Serafine teased, "Aw, you don't like how we play? How 'bout you stop spectatin' and throw in, cher? Or do we have to worry about you getting sentimental about old times?"

Mordecai calmly produced a pistol from his coat, signaling that he was ready to participate.

Amidst the chaos, Freckle continued his crazy laughter while shooting.

[Y/N] sighed, recognizing the impending trouble, muttering, "Freckle? Oh boy..."

Ivy anxiously asked, "Now what? Now what?"

Rocky, in a panicked state, shouted, "Brakes!"

Freckle, still shooting, let out a triumphant yell before realizing his gun was out of bullets. He angrily retreated back into the car.

Tires squealed as Nicodeme and Serafine glared at Freckle and Rocky. Mordecai, their pursuer, leaped out of the car, standing in the middle of the road. He turned around, facing the car that Rocky and the others were.

Rocky desperately shouted, "Turn here! Make a left!"

Confused, Ivy replied, "What? What turn?"

Rocky directed, "Hang a louie! Left hook!"

𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆𝘼𝘿𝘼𝙄𝙎𝙔 (𝙋𝙄𝙇𝙊𝙏)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang