♧ About you ♧

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Name: Y/N Paterson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: mm/dd/1906

Height: 5'3"

Birth place: St. Louis, Missouri

Nationality: [Your Nationality]; American

Hair Color: [h/c]

Fur Color: [f/c]

Eye Color: [e/c]

Love interest(s): None. Or?

Relatives: Wilbur Paterson (Father)
Mariel Paterson (Mother)
[Both are deceased]
Luther Paterson (little brother)

Affiliation: Violinist; Dancer; waitress


Y/n Paterson, a [F/c] fured feline, hails from a lineage of musical talents, being the daughter of the late Wilbur Paterson and Mariel Paterson. Amidst the quaint serenity of their small neighbourhood, Y/n resides alongside her younger brother, Luther Paterson. Together, they navigate life's harmonies, finding solace in the comforting embrace of their close-knit community.

But hidden within the vibrant streets of their city lies a clandestine haven, known only to a select few. Y/n, a masterful violinist, graces the stage at a secret bar, a place whispered with reverence, shrouded in mystery - the illustrious and enigmatic "Little Daisy Cafe". Here, in the dimly lit resonance of flickering candlelight, Y/n's melodies weave tales that enchant the souls of all who venture through its doors.

As the music fills the air, secrets are shared, and burdens are forgotten. The patrons, seeking respite from the trials of everyday life, find solace in the alluring strains produced by Y/n's gifted fingers. Each note dances upon the air, mingling with laughter and joy, creating an ephemeral symphony that lingers long after the night has ended.

In this hidden sanctuary, Y/n discovers her true self, unfettered by the grief that once weighed upon her heart. With each stroke of her bow, she breathes life into her family's musical legacy, embracing the passions that have shaped her existence. And as the melodies intertwine with the patrons' rapturous applause, Y/n understands that within the confines of the "Little Daisy Cafe," she has found a place where her spirit can truly soar.

(Some characters see you as a friend, a family, an enemy, or even more..perhaps?)

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