Smile, You're On!

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Author's note:

Once again I better leave a warning.

Adult theme/Sexual/Smug/Kinks/Lemon stuff.


Westopolis. The big city that once was caught in the midst of an invasion by the Black Arms. It was left in ruins when the Black Arms was taken down by G.U.N. with the much needed help from Shadow the Hedgehog, also known as the Ultimate life form.

Over the years, Westopolis slowly got rebuilt back up, returning back to its full glory and pride. Maybe even bigger than before.

Many humans and mobians have moved back into this beautiful city, and are being watched over by G.U.N. that got one of their hidden headquarters not far from the city.

Outside Westopolis, behind on the northeast side of the big forest at the foot of the mountain, is a huge area closed off with high fences and surveillance cameras.

Within the closed area is one of the headquarters to G.U.N.

The big buildings are spread out, some bigger than others and a few connected to each other.

Military trucks, tanks and a few buggies were parked or driving around on the territory. G.U.N. soldiers marching back and forth, either controlling the facilities, vehicles, or cleaning up the area.

The base was getting some special visitors today, so the place needed to look its best.

It's early morning, so there is still time before the guests should arrive, or mostly the most important guest would arrive. While the other visitors are meeting earlier than planned.

"Hello watchtower. This is the Tornado asking for permission to land, over."

Was heard from the speaker in the watchtower of the base. A guard replied back.

"This is G.U.N. watchtower. You're earlier than expected, I will have to ask the higher ups for permission. Please wait, over."

Was replied back to the pilot of the Tornado.

The red plane named Tornado is starting to come into sight. The proud owner of the plane is none other than Miles "Tails" Prower. A young adult two tailed yellow fox, well known by many. He's wearing his white gloves, a navy blue open west, his brown goggles and brown sneakers. Tails's chest fur and tails had gotten a bit more fluffy over the years.

"I told you we should have called ahead to give them a heads up that we would come earlier. But noooo... Like always, you just wanted to get there as fast as you run."

The mobian who is nagging behind Tails in the passenger seat is Amy Rose. Also a young adult, but a female pink hedgehog.

"Oh relax Ames. They won't mind and let us in with no trouble, just you wait and see."

Says none other than the blue hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic is standing on one side of the plane's wings as he sees the G.U.N. base coming into sight.

Sonic hadn't changed much, he's still wearing his red running shoes that he had for years. Same goes for his white gloves. The only few changes he got, is his chest also had gotten a bit fluffy, just not as much as Tails's fluff. And he got a small cut on his right ear that he earned from one of his many battles over the years.

"I agree with Amy. I also like a heads up next time. I hardly had time to find someone to watch the Master Emerald for me. I was only lucky that Mighty agreed to watch with such short notes."

Was said from the other side on the plane's wing. It was Knuckles the Echidna, who was lying down on the wing as they flew closer to their destination.

Knuckles had gotten a bit more buff in his build, and his dreadlock-like quills had grown a bit longer. On some of his quills were he now wearing white-strapped bandages. His old red and yellow shoes have been switched out with a pair of dark brown boots with small metal spikes on the backside and black cuffs. He still wore his white mitten-like gloves. Around his neck was a slim silver necklace, on it was a simple engagement ring made of gold.

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