19 - april 24th

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It had been days since April met Dreams Mom. But, today is Aprils 23rd birthday, and she can only find herself shitting over the fact that she didnt completely fuck everything up that day.

The only thing that wasn't fucked that day, sadly, was me. She said to herself, giggling and rolling over in bed to tell Dream her self-made hilarious joke. But, she rolled over to an empty bed. She couldn't say she was surprised considering she hadn't felt him clutching onto her like she was his teddy bear.

But, still, it was her birthday and she felt some disappointment to find herself in an empty bed. She pulled herself up, figuring he mustve been coding. She walked towards the walkin closet she had recently invaded.

She grabbed a blue-polka dotted suit, blue jeans, and a red brandy melville tank. Quickly, she slipped on the swimsuit under, she was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted to do for her birthday.

Plus, having a manchild as a boyfriend probably meant he was taking her for another picnic. Honestly, she adored that about him, but sometimes she just wanted to party as hard as she could. At this point, she was too far into dating him to scare him off with her party-side. She hustled out of the bedroom to Dreams gaming room.

She knocked rythmically, making her own little ditty on the door. No reply. She creaked the door open slowly, making sure he wasn't on stream and couldn't hear her thought the headphones. But, the office was empty.

"Clay?" She yelled, echoing through the house and thundering towards the kitchen, hearing clamoring she assumed was Sapnap. Only thinking this cause... well... clamor and Sapnap pretty much go hand in hand.

But when the downstairs living room and kitchen came into view, she stopped in her tracks. Red and pink streamers were strung from wall to wall, framing each door. A large, 'Happy Birthday April!' banner that was drawn on in a childs handwriting she registered as Sapnaps was hung above the outside door. Beautiful flowers, bowls of snacks April adored, and a very unavoidable stack of gifts were lain on the massive kitchen island.

In the corner of the kitchen she found her two roommates huddled on the floor in front of the oven, arguing about whether or not something was cooked.

"Guys?" April said, voice breaking.

Both of the boys heads shot up from the oven, clearly very surprised at her prescence, "Shit- I thought you were still asleep!" Dream said.

"Surprise!" Sapnap shot confetti out of small cylnder in in his pocket, making Dream smack the back of his head.

He smiled and went to greet her a Happy Birthday, but them he noticed the state of her. One of her hands shot up to her mouth as she hunched over and sat  at one of the barstools, tears slipping into her hands silently.

"Oh- shit" Dream breathed out, going up to her and tightly hugging her, "What happened baby?" He whispered into her ear, clearly worried.

"This!" She wiped the tears, "This is so cute, youre so cute! This is the best thing anyone has ever done for my birthday. I can't beleive you guys did this." She smiled brightly, eyelashes soaked in tears.

Dream pulled back for a second as Sapnap giggled, exasperated, "My god! I thought I just made you cry out of anger or something!" Dream moved her face up towards his.

She leaned her forehead against his, looking into his eyes and kissing him while she grinned from ear before looking at Sapnap.

'What, do I not get a birthday hug?" She rolled her eyes, "Youre gonna make me cry.." She fake sniffled as Sapnap giggled and ran up to her, all three of them huddled up, hugging on a barstool.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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