17 - (i love you)

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A WHOLE YEAR!! (maybe chapter 18 will be out by 2030,
who knows!)

Two days later, Dream woke up in bed alone.

After April moved in this wasn't unheard of. Whether he was on the couch with April, in bed with April, on the couch or in bed with Sapnap and April, the night never really ended alone.

He recalled a few nights ago, he had so much fun, laughing and talking with the perfect girl for hours.

But he also remembered the conversations that caused them to drive home and for Dream to lock himself in his room.

He did it again, moved too fast. He did this in practically every relationship he was in.

Sapnap didn't suspect much, well he didn't have time to. Once he saw the time to steal April for a day he jumped on it without a thought. But, he couldn't get away with two days of hiding.

He rose out of his bed like he had just been in a coffin for the last 48 hours.

There was no plan on how he would deal with everything. The only think he was thinking about in that moment and the whole day before was "Did I fuck everything up"

Dream used to say his type was "women who treat me like shit" and now that he finally find someone he truly liked, of course he rushed everything. He would never forgive himself if he scared April off.

He untangled his mass of hair and brushed out his morning breath before trudging down the stairs. He heard the sound of giggling of Sapnaps boyish giggles so he would either have to face April, or just Sapnap waching tiktok.

Its not like him and April fought or either one was mad at the other but Dream would've preffered that over talking about his feelings. Him and April were practially the same, so he knew it would be awkward for both of them, no matter how friendly they tried to approach it.

"So you're packing a fork?? You moved in with your millionare sugardaddy and instead of stealing his money... you take a fork?" Sapnap spoke high pitched through his giggles.

Last time Dream checked, Sapnap wasn't schizophrenic, so April had to be in the living room.

"But its a reeeeally cool fork!! Its got designs on its tip and shit..." April defended herself.
( a/n: just like my tip fr)

"What the hell are you guys talking about" Dream said, laughing. Or at least, he usually would. But today he decided to keep quiet.
Today he said nothing.

"Why are you even packing already?" Sapnap whined.

"I leave tomorrow, how late do you expect me to pack??" April cackled as Dream set a pot of coffee, rubbing his eyes.

Tomorrow? Shit. Why would April leave tomorrow? She was supposed to leave after a month and a week, not a month and three days. He really had scared her away? Dream was an overthinker, this usually helped because he would predict something 10x worse than what actually happens. But this time, he predicted the worst, and it actually came true.

He sat his elbows on the counter and buried his eyes into his palms. He let out a shaky sigh and the conversation in the room next to him went silent.

"You good buddy?" Sapnap said and got up from the couch as April sat there quietly. A brisk pat on the back got Dreams head out of his hands. By the time Sapnap got to Dream April had already shuffled out the room

"Great as ever" Dream smiled, but quickly got rebuttled with a disbeleiving look from Sapnap.

He huffed at Sapnap and put his heads back in his hands, "I scared April away, she said i was moving,," Dream lifted his hands up to do mock air-quotes "'way way too fast"''

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