15 - not like that!!!

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"APRIL???!?!" Sapnap sprinted into the gaming room, interuppting an intense mariokart game between dream and delilah, "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GONNA FACE REVEAL"

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"APRIL???!?!" Sapnap sprinted into the gaming room, interuppting an intense mariokart game between dream and delilah, "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GONNA FACE REVEAL"

"because you already know what my face looks like, also Im not famous silly bitch" April looked up towards sapnap and replied snarkily, makig Dream chuckle.

Sapnap made a gross face, mocking april, "meh meh meh meh I'm april meh meh meh meh I pegged Dream"

Dream choked on air as Sapnap underhand high-fived Delilah.

"SAPNAP" He rolled his eyes, "Is your only way of bonding with Riri through making me want to choke myself out"

Delilah giggled and rotated herself on the couch so her feet rested on dreams lap, "choke me next" she muttered

"Listen, youve been together a week now, the longer your girlfriend leeches off my food, the more you pay for it" Sapnap snatched the cheetos off the table that he claimed were 'his'

"She pays by loving me, you pay by..." Dream paused and thought

April looked at Dream, then Sapnap, before springing out of her seat, almost kicking Dream.

"YOURE TELLING ME HE DOESNT PAY RENT?!" She stood in front of the tv with her jaw dropped, "DADDY DREAM I DIDNT REALIZE YOU WERE THAT RICH"

The group burst out into hysterics, Dream wheezing and sapnap collapsing into his lap giggling.

April wobbled over to the two, her eyes squinting out of laughter. At this point the odds of the couple ever finishing the mariokart game were lower than the odds of Dream going a day without being teased by Sapnap.


Delilah rolled over in Dreams bed and peeked over to him.

unidentified adoration - dwt x F!ocWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt