Quality Camera Time

Start from the beginning

Danny continued to stare at the sun slowly rising. Watching as the sky slowly turned into a swirl of different colors, the stars blinking out without him really realizing it, the city lighting up with the sun’s rays peeking defiantly in the corners where the shadows once lay. It was wonderful, and although it didn’t make all of the teen’s thoughts magically disappear, it made them a little easier to shoo away. 

It wasn’t healthy to ignore them, he knew that, he’s been reminded several times by. . . Well, that didn’t matter, just like his thoughts didn’t. He let go of the tight grip he had on his legs, letting them slip back down flat on the concrete roof. He didn’t transform back into a human, even though he had a hard time staying in his ghost half, the form bringing more harsh memories than his human half did. His eyes were drifting a bit from the sun, becoming more hazy and unfocused, but he didn’t fall asleep. He felt exhausted, sure, but most of that was mentally, as his ghost part didn’t need sleep. Perhaps his human half was growing tired, after all he didn’t exactly sleep yesterday, or eat in that case.

He knows that Red Hood would probably already have left for his daily, sometimes more than once in a day, visits and saw him gone. Would he be relieved that Danny was gone? Maybe, Danny doesn’t think the other would be worried, right? Sure, Red Hood was shockingly kind and generous, but that didn’t mean the anti-hero would actually care for him. He hoped not, as that would make things more complicated for him. He didn’t want anybody to care for him anymore, to worry about him and want to know him. The less people that knew about Danny and actually cared about him, the safer it was for him and everybody else. It has been proven time and time again how dangerous he was, and now he knew that he couldn’t keep endangering people because of his ignorance.

Danny sighed, rubbing his temples. Couldn’t he have one moment to himself without going down deep thoughts that only caused him headaches? He thought he agreed to shove them down until he could find a safe place again, this time away from people. Maybe he could find a ghost portal, but the only one he knew of was in places he dared not to go. Was there other ways he could get to the Ghost Zone? He didn’t know, nor did he know how he could find out. What would he even do when he got in the Ghost Zone? Fight the ghosts in there for the rest of his pitiful existence? Because there was no way that any of the ghosts would want him there without a fight.

Danny began grumbling underneath his breath, cursing out his fate and all of his terrible luck. He finally stood back up, his muscles sore and aching from the position he sat in for far too long. He stretched a bit, hoping that the pops would relieve it a bit, but knew that his ghost powers would take care of most of it. It was only one of the good things that came with his ghost side. Though the terrible parts and things that have come from it would always weigh those down.

Shaking his head once more, willing away the tiredness and desperate thoughts clinging to him. He allowed a bit of energy to form in his hand, molding it a bit into different shapes before letting it fizzle out, wanting it to distract him. The city was already waking up, the more dangerous parts residing for the day, although that didn’t mean the place and lingering shadows still didn’t have danger lurking. He knew he wasn’t invisible at the moment, but he hoped that nobody would see him from up here. All the vigilantes should have already retired for the day, so he should be safe from them up here, safe from Red Hood seeing him again.

At least that was what he thought. Before he could turn himself back invisible and fly off, with a somewhat clearer mind, and find his way out of here, he felt a shift in the atmosphere. The teen stiffened, his mind coming to a screeching halt, and he strained his ears searching for any signs of the being causing the disturbance. He didn’t hear anything, not even with his supernatural hearing, but he could still feel it, the pressure that was building up.

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