The Princess and the Empty Child

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm not tired." she lied though her eyes felt so heavy that she could barely keep them open. The Doctor lifted up an eyebrow, not believing her.

"You're not tired? Can you do something for me?" He asked her, leaning closer to her. Celestia looked at him, unsure of what he wanted but still nodded. "Can you relax for just a second?" he asked her. 

Celestia looked at him funny before following his request, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She allowed her body to relax as she listened to the melodic hum of the Tardis, her thoughts carrying her away to somewhere lighter and happier. A sudden sound caused her to jump in surprise. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see that she was in the Doctor's room.

"When did we get here?" Celestia asked him as she sat on the Doctor's bed, testing how bouncy it was. The Doctor picked up her book, not seeing that it landed on the acknowledgement page, where the initials B.W. were listed along with a short message from the author; he closed the book and sat it on his desk before moving over to the bed.

"You fell into my arms the second you allowed yourself to relax." He told her, surprising the blonde. She had never once done that, even when she was traveling to different events and galas back-to-back. "Why don't you sleep?" he asked her.

Celestia hesitated before taking a deep breath, knowing that he should know what had happened to her when she was 'dead'. "When I.... When I was taken by the reapers, it was as though I was covered in fog from head to toe and I couldn't find my way through. I kept on hoping that I would find peace but all I could do was continue searching for something, anything. A light or stairs but there was nothing. " She said weakly as the memories played out in her head. The Doctor froze and shut his eyes as he couldn't help but wish it was him that was taken by the reapers and not her. He believed, from the bottom of his hearts, that Celestia did not deserve what had happened to her and if he could, he would go back and do a better job at keeping her save. He never wanted her in that sort of position again. 

"I was no longer in pain and yet... I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I was missing something. Like I had some unfinished business still waiting for me." She said, looking at the Doctor before focusing on his almost black sheets bed sheets to distract herself with. They were nice and silky, making her wish she could lay on them. 

"I also thought I saw someone in the fog next to me." This comment made the Doctor snap his head towards her. "I couldn't see their face as the fog was too thick, but they had brown hair. I'm sure of it." Celestia then shook her head, wanting to get rid of her thoughts. It was probably nothing, but it kept her wide awake and unable to rest peacefully. 

"Have you thought about what it all could mean?" the Doctor asked her as Celestia scoffed.

"That the afterlife is less light and more smog than advertised." She joked weakly before yawning, sleep finally taking her.

"Here." The Doctor moved to fluff up his pillows and motioned her to get under the covers. Celestia was too tired to argue as her eyes began to droop and the need to sleep was overtaking her. Celestia took off her shoes then went under his covers and motioned the Doctor to join her, which he did with no hesitation as he enjoyed the last time that they shared the same bed as it was one of the best sleeps he had ever gotten since the war. He made sure to take off his jacket and shoes before sighing as his head hit the pillow, making himself comfortable.

Celestia smiled before cuddling to his side, letting herself drift off to sleep as she listened to the rhythmic sound of his hearts beating. The Doctor threaded his fingers through her hair before closing his eyes and fell asleep; enjoying the warmth that radiated of the blonde. 

The Doctor and Celestia would go to each other once Rose went to sleep and drag the other to bed; silently knowing that they wouldn't be able to get proper rest without the other, though the Doctor would just nap or read beside her as he didn't need as much sleep as Celestia. 

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