There's A Reason You Don't Help Strays

Start from the beginning

Red Hood snorted, looking at the kid in front of him who was definitely a head and a half smaller than him. He was leaning forward a bit, one arm relying heavily on the wall close to him and his other hand pressing into his wound. “You look like shit, and you probably got an infection from laying on the nasty ground. Seriously, what were you doing there?”

“None of your damn business.” The boy snarled, showing a bit of the sharp fangs that made holes through his suit. “I don’t know who the hell you are or what you want, but I’ll have you know I can and will fight.”

Red Hood had to say, he was impressed by how ballsy the very skinny kid was talking, but also a bit -worried- annoyed. Did this kid not have any self preservation skills? He could definitely kick this brat’s ass right now if he wanted to.

Wait, did this kid just say he didn’t know who he was? Then it clicked for Red, and he had to resist the urge to pinch his nose from not realizing it earlier. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

When the teenager didn’t say anything but show a few more of those pointed teeth, Red Hood knew his answer. This just got even more difficult. “Well, I don’t know how or why you’re in Crime Alley, but I sorta run this part. You can call me Red Hood, and let’s just say that I’m known as the person who takes care of this dump and the trash within.”

There seemed to be a spark of recognition in the kid then, and his face went from a snarl to a scowl, and Hood didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. “Red Hood, the Red Hood? How the hell did I end up all the way here, I- I.” The kid’s face of panic earlier began to resurface, and Hood took an instinctive step forward.

The teen staggered two steps back.

“Now that you know who I am, how about you let me help you? I can’t have you bleeding to death on me.” The anti-hero said, trying to get this kid to come with him peacefully, because he really didn’t want to have to drag him by force. That’d most likely cause the injury to become more agitated, and that’s the last thing they needed.

“I already told you, it’ll heal.” The young boy’s fear didn’t leave his eyes, but he tried to put on a brave front anyways.

“And I already told you, that I don’t give a shit because you’ll probably die if I don’t do something. Actually you’re already looking a little paler.” Red Hood remarked, folding his arms against his chest.

This time the teen snorted. Red Hood doesn’t know what part of what he said was funny, but he sure didn’t like it. “Alright, you coming with me or not? The quicker we can get you patched up and for you to explain how the hell you got like that, the quicker I can figure this out.”

“I’m not coming with you, and I am definitely not telling you anything. I’ll be just fine on my own.” With that the teen attempted to move off the wall, only to trip over his own foot and almost fall back on the ground. 

Red Hood rushed forward, catching the arms of the kid and huffing. “Yep, you’re coming with me, whether you like it or not.”

When Red Hood wrapped an arm around the teen, keeping him balanced enough to walk, he didn’t complain. Instead, they both made it the rest of the way to the warehouse, Red Hood telling the teen to sit down and wait for him to grab some medical supplies. He could feel those disturbing green eyes on him while he was rummaging through the crates of stuff he had kept in here, and even though they seemed to have dimmed down a bit from earlier, they still reminded him too much of the pits. He didn’t like it, but that didn’t mean it was an excuse to not help the poor boy.

“So, does the mysterious kid who likes to bite people who are trying to help have a name?” Red Hood tried, not liking how awkward the silence was.

“Just because you gave me your fake name doesn’t mean I’ll tell you my name.” The boy replied coldly, and Red Hood rolled his eyes, though it wasn’t like the other could see it.

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