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"Y/n!" I am gently shaken. Great, so you hallucinate in death. I could swear I was hearing Blaise. Does this guy even want to haunt me in the afterlife now? "Y/n, open your eyes! Oh, Merlin, please make sure I haven't shot her. Please, Y/n. Please wake up.” That's definitely Blaise. His voice trembles, I've never heard that before. What's going on here? "Please," Blaise whispers again now, and it just can't be my imagination. "Y/n. You can't just be dead. There are still so many things I want to tell you, that I wanted to show you. Damn shit, you can't just be dead!" I frown. "There's no need to be vulgar," I croak softly. I carefully force my eyes open. My head hurts like hell, everything in general hurts. "I'm not dead?" And then I look up. Blaise's face hovers over me and he looks at me with a mixture of disbelief, love and shock. He shakes his head slowly and I see the tears in his eyes. “What is there to cry about, Zabini? You wanted to kill me What happened to that anyway?” I ask mockingly, but somehow have to grin. He doesn't say anything, he just kisses me very gently, like I'm made of glass. Very gently and with a love that I have never felt from anyone else. "I love you, Y/l/n," he finally whispers, looking into my eyes. "You have weird ways of showing me your love, though." I mumble, laughing. That hurts a lot in my head.
"Shut up," he snaps and chuckles, looking incredibly relieved, kisses my forehead and hugs me to his chest. He holds me so tightly in his arms like he's afraid I'll just be snatched away from him. "I think there is a need for an explanation here," I say and pull myself up a little. It's quiet around us. "Tell me, is the fight over already?" "Pause," he murmurs and looks at me in fascination, pulling me onto his lap and leaning against the wall behind him. His arms close around me tightly again and I can't help it. I put my head on his shoulder and clutched his sweater in my hands. And cry a round. My brain is overwhelmed, I don't understand anything anymore. "Go on," I mumble through sobs. "Come out with the truth, I can handle it now." He laughs softly and kisses the top of my head, caressing my back. He treats me like I'm the most precious thing he's ever laid hands on. "I.. Merlin, where do I start, Y/n?" "How about that point when you told me you wanted to fight with the Death Eaters instead of me?" I snap, but the words inside me are breaking my heart. Whatever it was. He is here. And he said he loves me. By Merlin's beard, if that isn't a funny twist. "It had to be convincing," he mumbles contritely. "You believed me straight away. But I just wanted to protect you, I swear to you. I had no choice. I could have fought with you, but then I would have put you in danger because I was expected to fight for Voldemort. I would have been a traitor and you would have been their first target.”
I slowly nod. "So so. Chivalrous, Zabini, very honorable.” "Shut up," he says, hugging me even tighter. "So you wanted to kill me? What about that?” I tease, grinning. I can already imagine the rest. I don't even bother asking because what Blaise is telling me sounds plausible. And it's an incredible token of love, I think. "Look over there, that's the target of my curse," Blaise murmurs, pointing at Fenrir Greyback. He looks pretty bad. "I don't want to complain, but that could have gone wrong, in the truest sense of the word," I explain to him. "I've never missed my target," he counters proudly. "And just for a moment you doubted your accuracy." I annoy him and smile up at him. Then I kiss him lovingly. "You're a stupid ass, Blaise Zabini. And I love you like I've never loved anyone." He looks like I just lifted a heavy load off his shoulders. He gets up carefully and carries me in his arms. "I'm sure I can stand up on my own," I point out to him and he looks down at me uncertainly. "I would not be so sure about that." "Why, don't I have any more legs?" I ask, laughing, but squint down to be on the safe side. There are still legs.
"Stupid cow," he murmurs, carefully setting me down on the ground. "Moo," I say, sticking my tongue out at him. "There you are. You see. Stands like a one.” Nevertheless, he closes his arms around me and buries his face in my hair. "I'm so sorry, Y/n." "It's okay," I whisper, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "I hurt you..." he mumbles. "I ripped your heart out of your chest and stomped on it too. I could see it on your face and it broke me inside. But I didn't want to put you in any more danger." "Calm down, handsome," I say now with a soothing laugh. "Everything went well. You only have to promise me one thing." "Everything!" he says like a shot from the gun and looks me seriously in the eye. "Oh, you might regret that," I say with a lewd smile and he rolls his eyes. "When I say everything, I mean it." "Don't ever do that, ever again. Do you understand that?” I look at him pleadingly. "Yes madam!" He smiles at me and kisses me again. We hardly have time, because a little later we continue, but outside. And there Voldemort announces to us that Harry Potter is dead. That's it for us then. Who is supposed to kill this madman if not Potter? And suddenly everything goes haywire and Harry is standing on both feet, quite alive. Then all hell breaks loose again and Blaise pulls me into the hall.
"You stay here!" Blaise says urgently now, holding my face in his hands. "Why should I?" I ask in astonishment and look at him mockingly. "Because you're still hurt and I don't want to mess with it, it's going to get worse in the end. I'm pretty good at destroying things, just not at things like that,” he says, annoyed. "And it's dangerous out there. Stay here with Cho until it's over. I'll get you here. Please Y/n.” I roll my eyes. "Seriously now?" "Y/n," he begs now and I buckle. "Alright. You stay here too.” "No," he says resolutely. “Nothing happened to me and I have to fight. I'm on target. I take care of myself.” "What if you don't!" I snap at him, grab his collar and kiss him. "Don't forget that someone is waiting for you here." "How could I ever forget that," he murmurs and kisses me again with a smile before disappearing outside. I rush to the Great Hall where I find Cho. She rushes towards me and hugs me so tight that I can hardly breathe. "Oh god, you're alive! You're hurt, Y/n!" "I almost died, just be happy!" I laugh and hug her to me, even if my wounds hurt. Disturbed, she pushes me away and looks at me questioningly. "I'm sorry, what?" I tell her the whole Blaise story and her face keeps falling until her eyes soften. "That's really romantic."
"That's totally stupid!" I growl. "But kinda really cute." "And where is your beloved now?" She looks around questioningly. "Outside," I sigh. "He sort of forbade me from getting into the fight until he got back. Because I'm hurt and stuff." "Madam Pomfrey should take a look at that," she says firmly. "There's nothing we can do anyway." Cho drags me to our nurse and with a few spells and movements she has healed me so far. "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," I say sincerely now. "And I also thank you on behalf of the others who have already healed them today." Her eyes turn bitter. "For some it was still too late." I slowly nod. "But that wasn't your fault. You do what you can." She nods curtly and then goes back to the next injured person. "Who's dead?" I ask Cho quietly and she looks sad. "Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Professor Snape." She keeps naming names and I feel sick. So many people fell fighting Voldemort. It can't be true. This wait is driving me insane. I keep pacing and I'm about to just run outside when Luna Lovegood comes into the hall. "It's over. Voldemort is defeated.” She just never sounds that euphoric, just sweetly dreamy. Then she turns around and goes back outside.I stare at Cho wide-eyed, laugh, and run. I want to run towards Blaise, want him back by my side as soon as possible. And as I stand in the ruined yard, I still haven't met him. I get a bad feeling. I stumbled aimlessly through the area and over all the chunks, all around me my classmates hugged each other laughing and crying at the same time. And then I see what I never wanted to see. Blaise lies motionless on the floor. "No!" My shrill scream echoes through the entire yard. I start running, always catching myself just before tripping, the tears in my eyes blurring my vision. Then I drop to my knees next to Blaise. "No," I whisper, staring at him. There's a huge hole in his sweater, just above his stomach. I run my hand over it carefully and see blood on my fingertips. "No." My voice is no more than a broken whisper and my tears drip onto the floor. That spot on his stomach looks bestial, like a horrible burn. I put my fingers to his neck and there's still a pulse, but it's incredibly weak. "Blaise, please..." I whimper, pulling out my wand. I try every healing spell I've ever heard in my life, but it doesn't work. For a moment it always seems as if the wound is healing, but in the end nothing happens. "You can't just die now, you promised me," I whisper, crying, and put my hand on his face. "Blaise, please.""Out of the way, Y/l/n," I suddenly hear Daphne mutter, then she pushes me away from Blaise and bends over him. I want to protest, but then I see what she's doing. She has a small bottle in her hand, the contents of which she lets drip onto the bleeding wound. The edges of the wound slowly move towards each other and Daphne sighs in relief. "There you are. Now you have him again”, she says simply and gets up. I look up to her. "Why did you do that?" She shrugs. "I got the bottle from Granger. She had enough. And you pulled me out of the cairn and... well. I've given up chasing after Zabini. I already understood that he doesn't want me. Just the way he looked at you. And apart from that, things are going well with Theodore. I owed you one, now we're even. Take it as a debt of honour." I blink away the tears in my eyes. "Thanks, Daphne." She nods and leaves. I throw myself over Blaise and look at him, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek. "Blaise, can you hear me? Please, open your eyes!” I beg him and for a moment I'm incredibly scared that it didn't work after all, but then he groans. "Blaise!" Tears of relief roll down my face and I laugh.
He slowly opens his eyes and frowns. "What is there to cry about?" I laugh. "Shut up!" Then I kiss him lovingly. "If it weren't for Daphne, you wouldn't be alive now. You stupid, reckless idiot! You promised me that you would take care of yourself and pick me up and what do you do? Lying half dead in the yard!” "Wasn't on purpose," he explains with a slight grin. "Daphne? What does she have to do with any of this?” "She put something in your wound, some magic potion Hermione Granger had with her," I murmur. "She said she owed me because hours ago I healed her wounds and pulled her out from under some rocks." "Then she was good for something after all," laughs Blaise, slowly getting fitter again. He sits up, although I hold him with every movement. Then I wrap my arms around him and pull him to me. "Now lie here nicely until someone says otherwise." "Mother hen," he laughs and I kiss him. Over and over again. "You'll never do anything like that again, or you'll have to deal with me." "Sounds dangerous," he murmurs, smiling at me. "It is," I whisper, unable to put my feelings into words. Although I never planned on falling in love with Blaise, it just happened. He enchanted me with his whole personality and I can't imagine loving anyone else like him ever again. But maybe I don't have to. "I love you." Blaise smiles at hearing those words from me and I tighten my arms around him. "I love you too, Y/n," he says, placing his hands over mine. We are waiting for Madam Pomfrey, who examines him briefly and then explains that he can get up and will completely recover on his own. As he faces me, he pulls me against him and kisses me. Long and incredibly loving. Then I snuggle my head against his chest and he just holds me tight. We both somehow survived with a lot of luck and that's all that matters. Both of us.

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