𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 | ☆

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I shook my head. He sighed and nodded, laying his head on Aspen's shoulder as she walked him to the nurse.

I glanced at River. She looked as if she didn't believe me.

I'm sorry River.

I can't tell you. I don't want you to hate me. Archer kept checking if I was okay. I cried in his arms hoping he would still like me.

 I cried in his arms hoping he would still like me

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He's lying to me. He's lying and I'm going to fucking kill Brody if he touched him. I was so fucking furious. Mason sighed and cupped my face kissing my lips softly.

"You okay?" I shrugged and my arms wrapped around his waist as he sit on my lap. We were about to go to P.E. but I wanted to be with him for a while alone. Ever since last night, we talked about our relationship. He told me he wanted us to be together. And he asked in the cutest way possible.

I sat in the bed where he told me. I smiled as he came out of his closet with my shirt on him that went to his little thighs. He held something behind his back and he shuffled in the room with his socks.

"Okay. So...here we go." I chuckled at his nervousness and sat up on the bed. He pulled a large card from behind his back and opened it. It had a big bold letter saying 'Will you let me be yours?' with a yes box and a no box.

I smiled widely and he blushed nervously. "I-I spilled the glitters so t-that's why there's a lot but I tried to fix it."

"I love it. And my answer is yes. Now come here." I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to my lap and he giggled and kissed me multiple times.

"You have to check the box." I chucked and grabbed the pen and wrote a big heart on the yes box. He giggled and tossed on the bed and attacked me in kisses. I laughed and gripped his soft thighs as I lay down on the bed. I smiled at his blushy face.

"I'm worried." he nodded. I sighed and kissed him softly making him blush. I smirked and chuckle digging my face in his neck and kissing the base softly making him shiver. I smirked and kiss up to his lips. He started to grind his hips and smile.

"We have P.E." he pouted and rolled his eyes playing with my hair.

"No want to go." he pouted. I smiled and kissed his pouty lips. He's so cute. He lays on my shoulder for a while before we got up to go to pe. He hugged my arm as we walked across the field to the locker room. I leaned down and kissed him as he stood on his tippy toes. I smiled as he waved to Oakley who smiled a wave as he was being carried by Aspen.

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