Prologue: Stan Marsh

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He thought life would be simple. He grew up thinking it won't always be like this. Someone will see a problem and rescue him. Someone out there will hear his cries for help and save him.

He was wrong. No one cared. No one listened.

He remembers all of it clear as day. He remembers the beatings. He remembers the shards of glass that penetrated his skin. He remembers the feeling of his heart pounding so hard against his chest it hurt. The feeling of being thrown down the stairs repeatedly is ongoing. The feeling of bones breaking were still alive.

He remembers all of it. And because the abuser is his own sister, no one payed any mind. But the memory that shocks him more than the beatings and shards of glass goes way back to when he was only eight years old.

Stan had gone to the bus stop one morning with a black eye, and thought to himself he would tell his friends about his life at home.

When asked about his black eye, Stan came clean and told them about Shelly and how much she hurt and scared him. He expected Cartman to laugh about it and Kyle and Kenny to comfort him.


They all laughed at him. Called him a pussy. Told him to "be a man".

Kyle, the person he trusted more than anyone else in the whole world, the person he thought he could tell anything to, mocked his misery.

When Stan begged Kyle and Kenny to stay with him at his house for a while, all he received were more laughs. The shock was too much for him to take. He couldn't tell. He gave up on help.

That's when he took a sharp left turn.

Before, he had hope. Hope that someone will listen to him. Hope that someone will help him. All he wanted was to be comforted. All he wanted was to be loved.

He can't trust anyone anymore. He hates Shelly. He hates his mother and father. He hates everyone.

By the time of his tenth birthday, he came to hate life.

He will never open up to Kyle or anyone else again. No. He can't take the shock of being laughed at.

He won't be laughed at.

He will hold in all of his emotions.

He will lie to them.

He will become selfish.

He will hide his feelings.

He will hide the truth that goes on behind those closed doors.

He will have two faces.

I won't be laughed at.

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