Chapter 3: Waiting in Saisio

Start from the beginning

The sea stretched out to her right in all its infinite beauty. The turquoise waters lazily reflected the bright sun. In the distance, it was hard to distinguish where the ocean ended and the sky began, as their colors were nearly identical. But this sight, as enchanting as it was, was all too familiar to Alteria for her to still be amazed by it. The island was undoubtedly beautiful, but it didn't change with the seasons. Only the sea, in its anger or its calmness, managed to alter this uniform landscape. No snow, no fog, and very few interplays of light between clouds and sunbeams that managed to resist them. According to sailors, Nimeo was a pearl of beauty, but for the young woman, it was too monotonous, frozen in time.

Once she reached the hill that offered an unobstructed view of Saisio, Alteria paused to observe the city. The capital of Nimeo, designated as the capital of the archipelago even though the other islands were little more than sandy islets inhabited by a few outsiders cut off from the rest of the world, was a harbor located in the bay on the western tip, closest to the mainland. Its buildings alone could tell the sad history of Nimeo.

In the past, the small island had been a significant colony of the Empire because it allowed the importation of goods that the Empire would have otherwise been forced to buy from its neighbors. Exotic fruits, products from warm seas, rare woods—seeds of all kinds grew at an astonishing rate on the slopes of the volcano, and the waters teemed with abundant life. At that time, Saisio had been a thriving city, its architecture — unique throughout the Empire, featuring a structure of concentric half-circles, centered around the port. The houses, with façades made of corals collected from the reef, adorned the city with vibrant colors. The frontages of the houses were originally white due to the materials used, but it was common for their owners to choose a bright color to distinguish them from others. Moreover, the ability to afford dyes, imported from the mainland, was a sign of wealth.

Travelers who made a stop in Saisio often marveled at the fact that there were no fortifications to protect the city. No walls encircled the city, and no towers stood on the beach to watch for potential attackers. What they took for evidence of the islanders' recklessness was, in fact, a particular feature of Nimeo. An imposing coral barrier surrounded it, allowing only a small channel for ships to reach the port. This natural feature had always protected Saisio from attacks, as no combat ship had a low enough waterline to pass the reef without ending in a wreckage.

However, now that trade with the mainland was diminishing, Saisio was declining. The houses no longer followed the original circular plan; their once-vibrant façades had been faded by the sun and rainwater. As for the population, the exodus to the mainland, which continued to attract new generations, was gradually draining it of its remaining strength. The island's former greatness was reduced to the governor's palace, nestled on the edge of the forest, slightly off-center, resembling a marble gem amidst the dying city.

Alteria had been fortunate to be raised far from Saisio and its misery. Life wasn't easy every day in the small house near the ocean, but at least the young woman was shielded from the perils of the city. Everyone knew that Saisio was a true jungle for young Nimeans, where only the children of wealthy artisans survived, protected, and the strongest and most ruthless thrived. Young men who couldn't survive in this hostile world often chose to become sailors on ships that docked at the port, escaping the city and its dangers. As for the girls... well, if they couldn't find husbands or hadn't received an education, they all knew that the establishments frequented by sailors at the port would quickly welcome them.

Tearing herself away from the gloomy contemplation of the city that was now just a shadow of its former splendor, Alteria put her shoes back on, which she had taken off to walk in the sand, and resumed her way to the city. Ignoring the merchants on the main street and their colorful stalls, which usually never failed to attract her with their colors and delicate scents, she hurried to the Grand Square of Saisio, where a large crowd had gathered.

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