Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)

Start from the beginning

- Climbing the ranks (War Thunder planes)

- Azur Lane: Royal Navy bombards Berlin as Celebration for New HMS Event

- The Greatest Naval Speedrun in History

- Azur Lane: America

- Joshdub: Storming Area 51

- Denarmo World of Warships (FDR, Shikishima, Audacious)

- USS Florida: World of Warships

- Main Battle Tanks (Maybe to be accepted)

- Systems Alliance Navy (Mass Effect; from Templin Institute)

New characters (you can request):

U-556 to be maybe added in Bismarck animarchy

Chapter starts:

"Raptors, let's scramble, scramble, scramble"

"Strike and Dark Star roll call"

"Looking out the right side"

"Push to Kill Box One Alpha"

The cockpits closed up and are now sealed

Scene cuts to Las Vegas

The robots in disguise and the soldiers are outside a shop called "Rhonda's Loan Center"

"We've arrived in LA. Now, men! Get those civilians out of the city, issue a public evactuation! Come on, let's go! Mount up!" Lennox yells

"Move out! Move out! Go! Go!" Burke yells

Lennox then gets to Epps

"Here, I got shortwave radios" Lennox says

"Wait. What am I supposed to do with these?" Epps asks

"Well, use them! It's all we got!" Lennox replies

"This is like RadioShack dinosaur radios or something, man. I'm only gonna get 20 or 30 miles out of these things. Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" Epps says

"Where I come from, those things... it's like the stone age with all the phones now..." Wisconsin says

An F-22 then soars overhead

"F-22 at twelve o'clock" Epps says

"Is it 12pm there?" Fletcher asks

"It's basically north... west is 9... 3 is east.. 6 is south. You get the point" Bunker Hill says

Ark Royal grabs Fletcher and hugs her

"I could just eat you destroyers alive" Ark Royal says

"They're too young and not ripe yet" Ulrich Von Hutten says

Everyone is silent

"All right, I want planes for air cover and get Black Hawks on station to extract that Cube the Decepticons are after. You got it? We keep the focus on us while the Cube gets extracted to be transported to a less populated and more defensive area" Lennox says

"It's actually solid if everyone does their part and the Decepticons are held back..." Arizona says

"Air Force has arrived! Pop smoke!" Lennox says

Green smoke soon surrounded the convoy

"Raptor, Raptor, do you copy? We have you visual. Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction" Epps says through the radio

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