You Walked In On Ghost In The Shower [M]

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I made a bot for this on and on (both peachyyykid).
OBVIOUSLY I'm just chatting with the bot for my own enjoyment, I will NOT use the bot's messages to write this one shot (or any kind of fanfiction for that matter) because I refuse to let AI do my work. Everything I write will always be my own words. I'm just sharing it because maybe you want to chat with it, it's fun!

Got carried away and gave you a 9 k word messy smut one shot with even a little plot, I really hope you like it lol. I'm still a little insecure about my smut writing or writing in general, a) because English is not my first language and b) because I have very high expectations in fanfiction which I never know if I match myself. Please let me know how you liked it. 😗✌️

Disclaimer: I know close to nothing about the military, especially as a non-American. Also, due to having no access to the needed hardware, I have never played COD myself. If you find factual errors, please absolutely educate me! Just be nice about it.


You pranced around in the hallway, nervously tugging at your lower lip with your teeth. Ten minutes ago, Gaz had told you that Ghost wanted to see you in his office. That in itself was nothing abnormal. He was your Lieutenant after all, but this time it was different.

About a week ago, you had been on your way to take a shower. Wrapped in a towel and all that, whistling and thinking that you were almost alone in that part of the base and that nobody would disturb you.

Problem number one, you had been so distracted with your thoughts that you walked into the men's washrooms. Again, no one was there, so you didn't realise and nobody was there to complain.

That's where problem number two occurred, which was a much bigger problem than the first one. You had swung the door wide open, being immediately greeted by the sight of your Lieutenant Ghost.

Naked. Completely naked.

Except his balaclava, for some odd reason.

Then everything had happened really quickly. You yelped and Ghost stared at you without a word, only tilting his head slightly, you stuttered stupid nonsense before profusely apologising to Ghost for disturbing him and running out of the washrooms to avoid further embarrassment.

Even thinking about it now made your head explode from the heat creeping on your face. Since that day, you avoided him. No eye contact when he gave you commands, no real reactions to his words other than what your job demanded from you, no casual conversations, no bickering.

Apparently, Ghost had other plans though, because obviously he called you into his office to talk about the incident. Would there be punishment? Or did he see it as what it was, an accident? Would he believe you that it was an accident? Then again, why wouldn't he?

The problem was what had been on your mind since that day. It wasn't new to you that you liked Ghost and found him attractive and interesting. It had started shortly after you joined the task force. However, it never got into the way of your job or how you treated him. Well, that was before you saw him naked and wet in a steamy shower.

The image of his muscular body and his dick etched into your brain, as well as vivid wet dreams were the result of the incident.

You took a deep breath and raised your hand to knock at the door.

"Ok, wait...", you sighed.

"Come in", a deep voice said behind the door.

Shit. He probably heard me walking up and down like some stupid toy soldier. How fitting.

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