Ghost Walks Into A Pole Because Of You

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Disclaimer: I know close to nothing about the military, especially as a non-American. Also, due to having no access to the needed hardware, I have never played COD myself. If you find factual errors, please absolutely educate me! Just be nice about it. I can assure you that I know the members of the 141, I just decided that the others are with them in this one shot, just because. 


It was one of those rare weekends on which task force 141 and their friends were able to enjoy their free time, finally being able to leave their bases and explore the closest towns. Especially the bars in said towns. 

Tonight, there weren't any titles or honorifics, they were just a bunch of friends, comrades, brothers, whatever you may call it. 

Soap had dragged them into a small Irish pub aside the main road, resulting in him complaining about it not being Irish enough. But since nobody felt like walking any further, they had forced him to stay. 

"You're not even Irish, they're just our neighbours", Gaz told Soap, but the Scot only scoffed. 

"That really doesn't matter", he started, "we all know what an Irish pub should look like and what vibe it should convey, and this is not it."

"I'll have to agree with Johnny", Ghost stated blankly and Gaz sighed. 

"We're staying", Alejandro added, and the rest nodded in agreement. 

They did, and so they shared beer after beer. Ghost stopped after three, because he didn't like the effect alcohol had on him, Price only had two to be able to keep the others at bay, Farah opted for coke and the others let loose. 

It was a fun night, and they needed that. 

You also had a fun night planned. In your books that meant going to the gym for a quick session, and a jog with your dog afterwards. 

Jogging at nighttime was rather unsafe, but the streets you chose were always brightly lit and your dog was a 132-pound Rottweiler. Goose wouldn't hurt a fly, but his size still scared people away, and that was good enough for you to feel safe with him. 

Your run started at your apartment and lead you through some of the side roads, past your favourite Irish pub. 

"Gotta ask the girls if they're in next weekend", you mumbled to yourself while looking through the windows while passing by. It was jam packed. 

Twenty minutes later, you halted next to a bench to stretch. Goose looked at you curiously, before letting out a big yawn and stretching too. 

"I know, you're tired too", you chuckled, "we're just going up and down the park before jogging home, so you can sniff on things, pee on things and bite into things."

He wagged his tail and you set off, breathing in the cool night air. There was a hint of petrichor in it, and that of wet leaves. 

"The air is so much clearer here, isn't it?", you asked Goose, but he didn't react. He had found a nice spot to sniff. 

Coarse laughter and a bunch of different voices bantering and yelling interrupted your quiet time, and you perked your head to see where the noise was coming from. While Goose could probably scare off one or two men, you wouldn't really want to run into a group this large. 

Your body tensed when you realised they were coming closer to you. They sounded drunk too, and it was odd that they chose to walk through the park. That's usually not where the average nightlife enjoyer would wander off too. 

You stayed vigilant and held Goose's leash close to you, until you heard a female voice amongst the group. Of course you wouldn't let your guard down completely, but it did ease your mind that there was a woman who sounded very sober and like she had fun. 

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