You Hate Each Other, But You Get Injured

Start from the beginning

"(y/n), you listening?", Soap asked, distracting you from your thoughts.

Of course, the meeting. As important as usual, and you weren't listening, gnawing the inside of your cheek while working on your thousandths attempt to decipher Ghost's behaviour, and now you missed a good chunk of info.

You just didn't want to accept it.

"Sorry", you whispered back, "but of course you'll give me a quick briefing at dinner."

A small grin tugged at the corners of your lips, and Soap rolled his eyes at you jokingly.

"You'd be dead without me", he huffed amusedly, his Scottish accent heavy.

Price cleared his throat, obviously to divert Soap's and your attention back to him, and you felt slightly embarrassed at being caught.

Ghost sat a few feet away from you, but you could feel his eyes boring into your back. You wouldn't put it past him that your little misstep amused him and confirmed every bias he had towards you.

He always pretended you where lazy, weak-minded, and lacking respect.

You diverted your attention back to Price, pushing the thoughts of Ghost aside like letting light fall through a curtained window.

"The mission next week is to gather critical, life or death critical may I add, intel about the target group. It's crucial information that we need to adequately prepare the following missions in order to take them down. I will explain how", Price said while rummaging around on the desk in front of him.

He pulled three photos from a folder and pinned them on the board on the wall.

As expected, three different, but all grimly looking men in black, expensive suits.

"Our main targets. Each of these men play a critical role in our target group's structure and hierarchy. While they are dangerous, this is just about sneaking in, gaining info, and sneaking out. As soon as it gets too hot, our mole leaves."

Everyone nodded.

"This'll be a mission they call 141 for because others won't do it."

General agreement filled the room.

"Our biggest advantage is that these men feel safe in their big estate. The security there is conveniently lax, as the careful work that was done in preparation to this mission showed us. Starting with not nearly enough security cams and no armed guards", he added.

"Who's sneaking in?", Gaz asked.

"I would like to give this task to (y/l/n)", Price now said, and your eyes widened.

You were proud because he had suggested you for this, but this was such a big responsibility for someone with less experience in the processes of task force 141 than your comrades.

"Is that okay for you, Sergeant?"

You hesitated before slowly opening your mouth, wanting to express concern.


"She's not the right choice", a deep voice interrupted you, and you rolled your eyes. Ghost.

You turned around to stare at him, as menacingly as possible. He just narrowed his eyes in return and if someone had lighted a match in the room, it would have exploded.

"I will definitely do it, thank you for the opportunity, Captain", you said out of spite without thinking straight, voice firm and confident.

The secureness in your voice was a façade. The only reason you immediately accepted was to annoy Ghost.

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