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Eventually, the doctors come back with the results from Akira's testing and they say, "Um... it would appear that Akira has an uncommon form of meningitis. It's caused by a bacterial infection and we will treat it with antibiotics through an IV. She will stay in the children's ward until we can stop the antibiotics and then she will be sent home, but we caught it quite early, which is good. The other good thing is that it's not communicable, which means you nor anyone else can catch it from her."

Everyone is quiet for a moment before just following the doctor through to the room they have given Akira. Masumi is still calm, resting in bakugou's arms at the minute as kirishima was holding Akira. Once she is hooked up to the IV and a few machines to monitor her, the doctors leave with a small smile and close the door behind them.

They had done a spinal tap, which is how they found out it is bacterial, but they're waiting on the results of the CT scan they did to check her brain. If it comes back as swollen too much, then they will give her steroids to reduce the inflammation. It's quite a worrying time for the two young parents, but luckily, their families are there to help.

Kirishima's mother sighs softly and says, "It's good that you got her here soo quickly. When did she develop the rash?"

Kirishima sighs and says, "I'm not sure, at some point during the day, but it wasn't in the morning because she's had her nappy changed twice and I didn't notice it. It was when we went down to Chiyo's office that I saw it."

Bakugou hums and nods slightly, then they hear something and look over to one of the machines she is attached to. A nurse comes in, quickly followed by a doctor and they solve the problem quickly by giving her an oxygen mask. She's soo small and frail, it's hard to watch something soo traumatic happen. However, they suppose, at least she's young enough that she won't remember what happened and neither will Masumi, hopefully. Provided there are no complications.


It's a little while later and the group is sitting together inside the room. Akira has since been given steroids to reduce the swelling in her brain and has had two seizures, which were terrifying to watch. By now, Kirishima's mother takes it upon herself to phone the school and inform them of what's going on - with permission from kirishima and bakugou, of course.

When she phones, she is sent straight through to principal nezu, who answers the phone.

"Mrs Kirishima, it's good to hear from someone. Is everything alright? Is Akira ok?"

"Um... no, we're still at the hospital. Akira has meningitis, a bacterial infection... she's on fluids, steroids, and antibiotics through an IV. She's... already had a few seizures, they... said that we were lucky to get her here when we did..."

There's a pause on the other side of the line and Nezu says, "Ok... what do they want me to tell the class? They've all been asking about what's going on. Should we just tell them straight up, or...?"

"Um... hold on a moment."

She goes back into the room and looks at the two, asking, "Are you two comfortable with them telling your class what's going on?"

Bakugou and kirishima share a look, and then bakugou says, "They can tell the bakusquad, Deku, icy-hot, four eyes, and ponytail... no one else."

She nods slightly and hears Nezu say, "I got that, I can do that, no problem. Well, um... I'll let you go now, good luck..."

He hangs up and she hums, putting her phone away.


Aizawa looks up and asks, "What's going on? I see that look on your face."

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