Sleepless Nights

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Masumi and Akira are now in the dorms with their parents. To make room for them, the two agreed to share a room - now open about their relationship with everyone - and give up the other room to the twins.

It was decided that kirishima's room was the one to be turned into a nursery, so, after a few days of hard work and help from their classmates and parents, they managed to get it done. The design was mainly their parents' doing, but they did decide on the colour pallet and had the final say on what goes in and what doesn't.

Since exam week is coming up before the beginning of their final year at UA (UA goes up to 19 in this AU), the two are struggling to balance the twins with their academic studies and their social lives. A combination of that and the sleepless nights means that the two are struggling and have gotten into a few minor arguments. However, they always made up and their parents helped them along the way.

▪︎The twins are now 4 months old.


Bakugou is sitting on his and kirishima's bed, trying to keep his eyes open so that he can finish the homework that is past due. Luckily, Aizawa has extended the deadlines for both of them to try and relieve some of the pressure on the two, which they are extremely grateful for. But this particular piece of homework is due the next day.

Kirishima is next to him, doing the same thing, the baby monitor on the bedside table next to them and only noises of shuffling can be heard through it. Occasionally, kirishima and bakugou will check the camera footage, but that's mainly their instincts being overly cautious over their young. As of yet, kirishima hasn't been able to let the twins stay with their parents as he can't deal with being separated from them just yet. His omega won't let him.

Their parents have been very understanding of this and Mitsuki said that she was the same with her children as well. The only thing is, the two could use the break.

Yawning tiredly, kirishima finally finishes the homework and sees that bakugou has as well. He smiles slightly and they put it away, laying down. However, as they're about to fall asleep, they hear crying. Both of them groan, but get up and go to the nursery next door, to see what the problem is.

Masumi is fast asleep, but Akira is crying. Kirishima and bakugou sigh, kirishima takes Akira out from her crib gently and sits down in a chair in the room to rock her gently. When she doesn't calm down, bakugou takes her temperature and notices that she's got a little bit of a fever.

Panicking a little, kirishima picks up the phone and calls his mother, who picks up even though it's midnight by this time. She yawns and asks, "Ei, what's the matter?"

"Akira has a temperature, but Masumi's fine. Do we just... give her Calpol or something? I've never had to... deal with this before..."

"Um... yes, I would give her some Calpol. She should calm down and go to sleep, but if you're worried, take her to the doctor or something. I'm sure she's fine, but you should trust your instincts."

"Ok... ok, we'll do that. Thank you... sorry I woke you..."

"Hey, it's ok. I told you I'm always here and I meant it, alright?"

"Yeah, I know... alright, love you."

"Love you too darling, good night."

She hangs up and kirishima sighs, saying, "We'll give her some Calpol and maybe see Chiyo tomorrow about it if it's still like this in the morning..."

Bakugou hums and they give her some Calpol, calming her down and getting her back into her crib. However, in the end, kirishima sleeps on a beanbag they have in the room, not wanting to leave her side as she's ill. But he tells bakugou just to go to bed. The blonde gets him a blanket before kissing him goodnight and then going to bed.

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