- Chapter Eight: He's finally gone -

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Payton's Pov

Marcus picks me up off the floor, then he sits on his throne, putting me on his lap, and i curl up into a ball, letting out all of my emotions before i go get my babies. I feel Marcus wrap one of his arms around me, rubbing his hand up and down my back while he used his other hand to play with my hair. The whole time i dried sobbed, i could hear more, and more coven members arrived in the throne room. My dry sobs are louder than they have ever been before, and i can't hold them back because i have held them in for too long. All of them whisper to each other about what just happened, and i could see my family surround me to give me some comfort. I don't have the strength to act like a strong queen right now or even act like i'm okay after killing the man that destroyed me.

I feel vulnerable, so cuddling into Marcus is helping me feel safe and protected, which definitely makes me feel better. I could also hear some coven members asking what happened to me for me to be dry sobbing this badly, but thankfully, no one told them what happened. I wanted someone to hurry up and talk so everyone could leave, so i don't have to be the centre of attention anymore. I want to leave myself to go to my babies so i can see for myself that they are safe and he didn't hurt them. Just as i thought that i saw Aro standing beside Marcus's throne, his presence alone makes every vamp stop talking, and the throne room goes silent. I reach forward and grab his gloved hand, holding it tightly, and he squeezes it, giving me some comfort.

"Today marks the day of a new law. Due to the latest events, we have decided to add a new law to prevent male vampires using and abusing all men. women and children no matter the species. Any vampire that hurts or has any involvement with hurting a human or vampire man, woman, and child will be executed without trail. I will not allow abusers in this coven to exist, especially if they have had a hand in Louis Aubert crimes against my granddaughter. Vampires are meant to stick together, help each other through the times that change, and keep innocents safe against other humans and other supernatural beings. I need you all to travel to inform other coven and any nomads you see about this new law." Aro said loudly in his king voice

"This time, it is some of our own that are risking the exposure of our kind. We, as a coven and family, need to put a stop to this threat. There will be no more wars against other covens or judgements on diets because we are all vampires no matter the situation. These threats and a tremendous number of crimes against humans need to be dealt with at once. Go in pairs of two. One of you will talk to each coven leader while the other talks to the rest of the coven to see if there has been any suspicious activity in their area. No one goes alone, no matter the circumstances." Caius said in his own king tone

"Always protect the innocent!"

"We will always protect the men and woman!"

"We will kill anyone that hurts any children!"

"We work as one, as a family!"

"It's time to protect humans from our own kind." Marcus said, holding me tighter

"You heard your master go inform vampires of our new law. Remember to be observant and report any vampire you may think is acting suspicious. This new law is effective immediately, so we need all you help to execute any law breaking vampires." Caius said coldly

"Wait!" I yelled, making the vampires look at me

"I want you all to be safe. Yes, this is your job, and you have all done this countless times, but i don't want any of my family hurt. I want you all to be careful and think logically before you enter a covens territory. If you think the coven is to hostile, then write them the news in a letter and use a knife to stab it against the tree and ring them to meet you at their territory line. I do not want any of you to put your lives on the line, so please, you must think carefully and logically." I speak softly, sniffling in between sentences

"Yes master, yes, Mistress!" Everyone said in unison

I watch as they most of the coven vamp speed away in pairs and the othe other half of the coven walk back to do their duties. All of the coven can't leave because that leaves us unprotected, so only half will leave to do what Aro asked them to do. The only people left in the throne room is me, Marucs, Aro, Caius, Jasper, Alice, Peter, Felix, and Emmett in the throne room.

"He's gone. He's finally gone." I said in between sniffles

"Yes he is, you're safe now, mia regina. You and our daughters are safe." Marcus said softly, running his fingers through my hair

"It's over Payton. Let it all out. I know you have been holding it in for far too long. Now you don't have to anymore." Alice said softly

"No more hiding sugar." Peter said, smiling

"I'm free." I said with a smile

"That you are darlin, that you are." Jasper said proudly

"I want to see my babies. No, i need to see my babies." I said, sniffing

"Marcus, take her to the same room Charlotte, Flora, and Fiona are in there. If Payton wishes she can stay in there until she feels safe again." Aro said softly as he looked at me worriedly

"Let's go to our daughter, mia regina. You can give them all the cuddles and kisses you want without being interrupted." Marcus said, standing up, still holding me in his arms

" Marcus said, standing up, still holding me in his arms

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