- Chapter Five: That is an excellent idea -

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A/n:  the outfits for the chapter will be posted above, i will add the pov board another day.

Payton's Pov

I spent the whole night in my daughters bedroom, not wanting to leave them in such an unusual place in case they needed me but didn't know where to find me. Marcus did try and get me to leave the bedroom, but no matter what he said, i just wouldn't leave them because i have missed out on too much. I'm reunited with my babies, and i will not allow anything to rip me from them again because the distance from them shattered my heart. It was very hard staying away from them, but it was something i had to do, but now we are this castle. we can be a family i want my girls to have. I want them to have a close family that would do anything for them without a second thought and would protect them at all costs. That is something i never had growing up, and i will be damned if i allow my girls to be brought up the horrible way i did.

Right now, i have decided to leave their bedroom to make them some breakfast for when they wake up. I kiss their foreheads without waking them up and make sure to close their door as quietly as i can, then walk down to the kitchen. The first thing i saw was Charlotte cooking up at Storm, and i knew she had the same idea as i. I went over and started to cook beside Charlotte, and we worked together without saying one word. I know she is thinking over everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours just like i did all night. I may have had all night, and i was already a mother, but Charlotte has become a mother practically overnight and had to let it all sink in. All i had to let sink in was the fact i have a mate, soul father, soul grandfather, and i'm a part of a family that actually wants me now.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opens, and Peter walks in, carrying Renesmee on his hip with Marcus not far behind him carrying my babies on his hips. All three of the girls are rubbing their eyes, whining, making me internally awe at their overwhelming cuteness. Peter and Marcus sat the girls down on the stools at the kitchen island, and my babies smiled at me as Peter moved around the island and kissed Charlotte's cheek. Marcus comes over to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I slide my girls breakfast in front of them, and in a blink on an eye, Aro is standing in the middle of them, putting two glasses of blood next to their breakfast.

"I can't let my beautiful great granddaughter's to go thirst now, can I?" He said smiling as he patted their heads, making them giggle

"Grandfather, leave Flora and Fiona alone so they can eat their breakfast." I asked, crossing my arms

"Right, sorry, my little ones." He said softly, then sat beside Flora

"Why are you here, Aro?" Marcus asked, not removing his chin off my shoulder

"I wanted to talk to Payton about her and the twins coronation." He said like it was no big deal

"What coronation?" I asked, confused

"You will be crowned the queen and rule beside your mate, father and me. Flora and Fiona will be crowned the princesses." He said, smiling

"There will be no talk." Peter said, knowing that i will explode into panic at any minute

"Could you elaborate on that." He said, glaring at Peter

"Payton will not feel safe during the whole coronation. It won't matter that you, Caius, and Marcus are there because HE is still out there somewhere." Peter said, looking at me worriedly

"Peter, please don't do this right now. Not in front of Fiona and Flora." I plead looking at my girls who are happily drinking their cups of blood

"By he, he means." Marcus said, pointing to the girls then at me

"Yes. One in the same. Jasper, Alice, and I tried to track him down, but we could not find him." Peter said lowly

"I have a proposition for you. If we find that vile excuse of a vampire in two days and execute him, will you be willing to go through the coronation?" Aro said softly

"I would be willing if you do what you said. I would be in no state of mind to go through a coronation that will involve inviting unknown vampires around my daughters. He may turn up and finish what he started, and i will not allow him to rid my girls of a mother." I said as i see Fiona use her abilities to make a pad of paper and pen appear

"Mommy, can you please draw a doggy for me?" Fiona asked politely

"Oooo and a bat, please." Flora squealed

"Of course i can." I said, grabbing the pad of paper and pen

"I understand, sweetheart. I will go have a conversation with your father and see what we can do to get this into motion." Aro said, standing up

"Could i accompany you. I would like to explain the importance of this with both you and Caius." Peter said, still looking at me worriedly, but i ignored him drawing for the girls

"That is an excellent idea. Come, we must go." He said, then vamp speeds out the kitchen

"Everything will be okay, Payton. You will be safe at last soon enough and will be able to enjoy your new family without fear." Peter said, then he too vamp speeds away

"Mommy, what is Peter and Grandpa Aro talking about?" Flora asked, tilting her head

"Nothing to worry your pretty little heads about. Actually, the only thing my beautiful girls should be worried about is what to call your new friends and who to scare with your new friends once mommy is done drawing them." I said softly



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