Chapter Twenty Four : Change in plans

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Hope's POV

We stop in the middle where there is a 'dhaba, it's like a small restaurant or a small Indian-style rest stop. Arhaan bhai and Arjun bhai had to talk about some more things so they took a different table from us, as our chai were served, we were trying to read the lips of both of our elder brothers.

"Is he saying, I will not give her up?", Dylan speculates pointing at  Arjun bhai. Arielle grabs Dylan's finger and tries to twist it.

"Ah.. ah. Ah sorry " Dylan groans in pain as he quietly blows air on his finger. I breathe out in frustration and take the chai cup to sip on it...

Taking my left hand off the table, I text Max bhai that it will take time to come, we are at a rest stop and that there is a problem, he asks what's wrong. I tell him that I will let you know when I reach the hotel. Arielle taps my arm, as I am looking down at my phone, I look up at her and see her watching Arjun bhai and Arhaan bhai, they are getting up. So we get up too, going to the counter where the man is collecting bills, so we ask him and pay him the amount.

Arjun bhai and Arhaan bhai go ahead as we pay the bill, they are still talking. Suddenly, Arjun bhai says something and Arhaan bhai hugs him as Arjun bhai hugs him back.

"Come one, let's go" Arielle announces, I say 'Okay' and all three of us walk towards our big brothers. Dylan joins in the hug, and so does Arielle and then I do too.

"Idiots" Arjun bhai mutters. As we all laugh and make our way to th car. Arielle's phone rings, and she gets the phone out of her jacket, as soon as she looks at the caller Id, she looks at Dylan and he blinks at her before she walks a little distance to talk on the phone. I look at Dylan and ask him, "What's up with her?". He shrugs and gets in the car, I stand outside the car waiting for Arielle.

In about 5 minutes as I took a sip of the water from the bottle which Dylan passed me, and Arielle sauntered towards us.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, as I take her a little further away from the car so the boys could not hear it.

She shakes her head, "Everything is okay", She assures. but she did  not look like it was all okay. I do not push her any further and we sit in the car as Arhaan bhai drives the car, we look out and we are now on the highway in the forest.

We arrived at the hotel/palace after around an hour and a half of driving. Arjun bhai was the one to go in first, as Dylan carried the suitcase out of the back. Arhaan bhai got off the driver's seat, Arielle and Dylan went ahead as I stayed behind, wanting to talk to Arhaan bhai.

"SO?" I ask as he walks towards me, I am leaning on the car. He shrugs, and questions me, "So, what?"

I roll my eyes as I put my hands on my waist, " Bhai, what did you and

Arjun bhai talk about?"

"Okay, so the wedding will not be happening, Arjun bhai is gonna talk to everyone, Meera will be here tomorrow she told me her flight got delayed. So, I have to talk to Dad and mum." He simply says as he leans back on the car and stands beside me. I wrap my hand around his arm and put my head on his shoulder.

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