Land of fire

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Lower then low.

That's how a fire girl is treated. They don't even use names. Just girl... or flower....

Lyra pulls her hair into a bun and she uses her handkerchief to  pull it back. She switches the arm of her basket and she practices what she's going to ask for before she makes it to the shop. She walks with her head down. All know to steer clear of those with the fire lord's tattoo on their brand what's the difference? Lyra's hand shakes. Her potions ran out two weeks ago. Lyra sighs and tries to focus but the bright sun of the day is blinding and her eyes burn in the light. Lyra continues down the same path as always ultra aware of the secret police who are no doubt watching... Lyra suddenly bumps into someone who was running knocking her to the dusty ground.

Lyra slowly pushes herself up and she quickly picks up the basket and keeps her head down waiting for the other to stand up before her. That's how it works that's what she was told anyway

"Hey are you okay?"

The boys voice asks. Young ...shouldn't he be in school? Lyra doesn't answer she's not allowed to.

A hand lands on her shoulder and she bites her tongue to prevent herself from flinching. The hand goes away and he stands up. Lyra quickly stands and keeps her eyes down.

"I'm a-Kuzon"  he says. Lyra's eyes lift up to him and she smiles slightly. She inclines her head and she begins to walk away.

"Wait up!" He calls after her. Lyra keeps walking until she reaches an alley and she looks left right up and side ways before she looks at him.

"What do you want?" Lyra says clenching her teeth.

"I...just wanted to know if you are okay?"

"No one is okay." Lyra snaps. His eyes widen and Lyra sighs.

"I...I mean you best be where you are expected ...." Lyra says.


"You're wearing a school uniform" Lyra says softly.

"Oh! Flameo!" He says. Lyra shakes her head.

"No one says that. Listen I can't ...I shouldn't talk to you but I'll tell you this. Ozai militarized the school everything is rigorous and there is not room for individuality you must not speak about the air nomads. Understand?"

" did you-...." "don't ask me that. Just please don't stir up trouble you don't know what the impact will be" the boys eyes widen. Then before he can say anything else the girl is gone.

Lyra slipped away while he looked down to think about   what she said.

Lyra continues to the market to get the needed herbs for the different potions she was tasked to create by the fire lord himself. Lyra sighs and she finally gets to the apothecary.

She silently waits in line and she hands the list to the clerk who studies her for a moment and then she waits to the side for the prepared packages.

He puts them in the basket without a word and Lyra sees herself out.

Lyra continues down the same streets thinking back to the strange boy she met. 

Lyra arrives back in the barracks entering through the servants entrance. She heads straight to her lab and she begins making the potions. She starts when the Forman comes in and says "the prince is coming for inspection!" He says fluttering around.

"What are you doing girl? Didn't you hear me?!"

I take the time to continue stirring the potion before I put it in stasis

Lyra Black Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant