"Jisung, your Amoureux has arrived," Hyunjin said as they made their way inside.

Said man jolted his attention toward the door. That familiar smile saved only for Felix spread across his oddly numb features and he brushed his hair back. Felix glanced at Hyunjin with a tilt of his head for an explanation, but he only smirked and led Seungmin toward the couch where Sir Seo sat. He gave a light shake of his head with a chuckle and rose the basket in his hand.

"I've brought treats."

"I would have been happy with you alone," Jisung told him. He winked playfully as he stopped in front of him. "But I don't mind a dessert." He tried to sneak a hand in but Felix moved the basket behind his back with a teasing smile.

"You are sweet enough as it is. Do you need one?" Felix questioned. Jisung pouted as the younger nodded toward the couch. Jisung huffed in response and plopped down beside Sir Seo. Felix set the basket down, glancing at the man who had yet to speak a word. He cleared his throat.

Sir Seo lifted his gaze from the newspaper in his hands. They held annoyance inside of them and Felix felt himself grow nervous. "Sir, would you like the first one?"

The man looked at the basket very briefly. His nose wrinkled and he scoffed as if amused by the attempt to lighten him up. "I don't take bribes," he chided.

"It's more of a gift of greeting," Felix offered with a forced smile.

Sir Seo rolled his eyes and then fixed them back on the papers in his grasp. "I refuse your greeting. For all I know you are trying to poison me."

Jisung reached for the basket and flipped the top so he could grab a dessert. "More for me!"

Seungmin shook his head at Felix and the farmer used every ounce of his being not to retort the elder man. Poison? How dare he say such a thing? Felix would never hurt anyone let alone poison someone. He took a seat beside his friend and huffed. He should have trusted his first impression. That man was nothing but a fiend. Oh, he got on Felix's nerves.

What was his problem? All he had to do was accept the brownies. It's not like they had to be friends. It was the respectful thing to do. Felix stared at the man with a disapproving gaze. Seungmin had been right. He was nothing but a spoiled elitist with nothing better to do than read the paper and ruin another's mood.

Sir Seo lifted his eyes and locked his gaze with Felix's. They had a sharp appearance. One that forced Felix into submission. He bowed his head politely and turned his attention to Jisung who was happily snacking on the brownies they'd made. His cheeks puffed like a chipmunk and Felix found that his irritation slowly diminished with every passing second of their display.

"You made these?" the youngest Lord quizzed.

"Mostly Felix and Minho. I'm not too good at baked goods," Seungmin mumbled in disappointment.

Hyunjin slipped his arm through Seungmin's. "That's why we have maids, Mon chéri."

Seungmin deadpanned. "He keeps saying these French words I don't know. I've come to realize it is to make fun of my education."

"It means, my sweetheart," Jisung stated.

"You should come up with a nickname he can understand," Felix told his friend's fiance. Hyunjin pursed his lips and laid his head on Seungmin's shoulder with a whine.

"Meine Sonne und Stern," Sir Seo murmured. He folded his newspaper and sent Felix a condescending smirk.

"Do all superior men know foreign languages?" Seungmin questioned. "And what does that mean?"

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