Kakashi: You are catching on! Now it's your guys' turn now. You start.

Sakura: My name is Haruno Sakura. What I like...Well I like...

She blushes as she looks at Y/n

Sakura: My dreams is to be with...

She again looks at Y/n


Naruto: Hey! What did I do

Kakashi: Great...so there is a simp I'm this team..Okay. You next.

He points to Naruto

Naruto: My name is Uzumaki Naruto. What I like...is Ramen. What I dislike is how long it takes for the Ramen to cook.

Naruto: And my dream is to become Hokage!

Kakashi: Hokage huh? That's a interesting dream. What about you?

He looks to Sasuke

Sasuke: My name....is Uchiha Sasuke. I dislike a lot of things but I don't like many things.

Sasuke: I have a goal. Its something that will turn into a reality. I will surpass a certain someone and kill a certain someone..

Sakura, Y/n and Naruto edged away from Sasuke

Kakashi: Oh um...okay. What about you Y/n?

Y/n: My name is Sarutobi Y/n. What I like is training and learning new things. What I dislike are scums of the ninja world.

Y/n: And my dream is to become the strongest Sarutobi to ever exist.

Kakashi: Interesting.

Kakashi looks at them

Kakashi: Now I want you guys to go back home and wake up bright and early tomorrow and meet me at the training ground. Oh yeah...

Kakashi: Don't eat lunch because I'll make you regret it.

Sakura: Really? Is it going to be that harsh?

Y/n: Probably will be.

Y/n stands up

Y/n: Am I free to leave Kakashi-Sensei?

Kakashi: You can.

Y/n: Okay then! See you guys tomorrow then!

Sasuke: Hmph. See ya.

Sakura: Bye Y/n-kun!

Naruto: See ya Y/n!

Y/n jumps off the rooftop as be just starts to make his way back to the house.

Y/n: I wonder what I'm going to do toda-

He bumps into someone.

???: Oh Sorry about that!

Y/n: Its alright kid.

He looks down at the kid

He looks down at the kid

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Y/n: Whats your name?

Konohamaru: My name is Sarutobi Konohamaru.

Konohamaru just starts to smile

Konohamaru: He should start to be trembling and treat me with kindness because I am the third Hokage's grandson

Y/n: Oh you are a Sarutobi also? Me too! My name is Y/n Sarutobi. Brother of Asuma and my father is Old man Hiruzen

Konohamaru: Ehhhh!? Your father is the old Gramps?!!

Y/n: Yep!

Konohamaru: You must be really strong huh? Big Bro Y/n

Y/n looks at Konohamaru as he starts to smile

Y/n: Yeah...you could say so. Noone has ever called me Big Bro before!

Y/n: So what do you want to be when you are older Konohamaru?

He and Konohamaru were just walking through the streets

Konohamaru: He-he called me by my actual name!

Konohamaru: I-i want to become the Hokage and possibly become the strongest Sarutobi!

Y/n: Well I don't want to be Hokage but I do want to become the strongest Sarutobi.

Konohamaru: Then that makes us....

Konohamaru: Rivals then!

Y/n chuckles

Y/n: Yeah! I guess you could say that

Konohamaru: *Smiles* I'll get stronger and stronger so I don't lose to you Big Bro Y/n!

Y/n: You do that! I'll be waiting!

They smile as they fist bump.

Y/n: Its getting late so I'm going to start going Kono!

Konohamaru: Okay Big Bro Y/n!

He starts to walk off as he waves at Konohamaru as he makes his way back to his residence.

Y/n: I have a long day tomorrow...I hope I can help out and show that I belong as a genin!

Hidden Grace (Naruto x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now