Not so deadly/Chapter 3

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Kazuha stayed behind the tree, hoping that Scaramouche wouldn't notice, his breathing became faster, Kazuha was afraid of dying.

Scaramouche looked around for a moment longer. Was it just his imagination, or was someone actually hiding from him? His grip on the knife became tighter, ready to react to anything that might happen. However, he noticed that Kazuha was breathing heavily, which meant that he was very close by.
"Are you there... hiding behind that tree?"
He smiled once more, as if he was enjoying the game of cat and mouse.

Kazuha didn't move, he didn't answer, he knew that if he would say anything, it could be an end for him.

Scaramouche was looking at the tree for a moment longer, still smiling. He loved it when his prey was like this, afraid and desperate. It felt so satisfying for him. In the end, his patience ran thin.
He quickly went around the tree and came face to face with Kazuha. The assassin placed the tip of his sharp knife onto Kazuha's throat.
"You can't hide forever. I always find my prey in the end."

Kazuha was getting desperate, he was looking at Scaramouche in the eyes, his eyes looked cold and empty, Kazuha was still looking at them.
He didn't say anything.

Scaramouche looked at Kazuha in the eyes for a moment too, taking a step closer to him. He still had his blade pressed against his neck, ready to kill him whenever he desired. His smile widened once more as he saw Kazuha's fear in his eyes. He was enjoying this a lot...
"How unfortunate... I've wasted too much time on this. Now I have to kill you."
He placed his left hand on Kazuha's cheek.

Kazuha sighed, his eyes filled with fear and sadness.
"Why do you hate me so much at the point of killing me?!"
He kept looking at Scaramouche.

Scaramouche chuckled for a few moments.
"It's not because I hate you, little ant. If you think you specifically are that important, this shows that you are way too self-centered."
He started to move the blade across Kazuha's neck, as if he was going to cut it. His smile never left his face.
"Oh, you know, I just love killing. I find it amusing. Killing someone like you is like a wonderful hobby to me."

Kazuha sighed, trying to get courage.
"Too bad, I will find an exit for this maze and survive, I'll win this!"
Kazuha grabbed the arm that Scaramouche was holding the knife, hard, not letting Scara move his arm.

Scaramouche was surprised when he felt a sudden pressure on his arm that held the knife. He quickly removed his left hand from Kazuha's face, and tried to pull away.
"What the- what do you think you're doing?! Let go of my arm!"
He put more strength into his arm to pull it away, while Kazuha was still holding onto it tightly.

Kazuha looked at him, with a serious look.
"I'll let go of your arm if you stop trying to kill me."
He looked into Scara's eyes.

"Ha! You think I would stop just because you asked? You're making me laugh."
He tried to kick Kazuha away, while still attempting to pull away his hand.
"If you think this will lead you to victory or something, you're completely wrong. I will kill you, no matter what."

Kazuha sighed. He was thinking about what he could do, he knew that Scaramouche was a dangerous guy to mess with.
"What can I do to stay alive?"
He asked.

Scaramouche smiled at Kazuha's question, as he found it very amusing.
"If you're trying to bargain for your life, I must say... that was a very pathetic attempt. As for your question though, there's one very simple answer to that."
He took a step closer to Kazuha, as if he was trying to be more intimidating.
"Just accept your fate and die."

Assassination Maze [Kazuscara]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz