11.1 | kazuha's pov

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KAZUHAS heart broke when he was told that scaramouche deleted his memories of him. them.

paimon brought it up when the traveller visited inazuma, and these news wasn't was kazuha was expecting.

he deleted his memories of me?
was it that much of a burden for him?

aether saw the despair in kazuhas eyes and was quick to mention that scaramouches mental health was on the line so this was the best idea.

heizou frowned at that. sure, he was a little of a jerk to scaramouche back then but that doesn't deny the care the detective held for him.

,,you allowed that to happen? how is it even possible to erase someone's memories?"

kazuha looked at heizou with empty yet tear filled eyes and aether sighed as he explained how it was possible.

irminsul, the root of all dendro power.
it is found in the deep underground and is connected to all ley lines of the world.

,,ley lines? what does that have to do with anything?" heizou asked and kazuha knew that there must be a bigger meaning to mention the ley lines.

,,while we were travelling we got to know that ley lines contain all the memory of the world. may I continue?" kazuha and heizou nodded immediately with a somber expression.

aether continued explaining the meaning of irminsul and it's importance.

he mentioned that scaramouche distracted the dendro archon to enter the realm through his consciousness and erased his memories of kazuha, probably heizou aswell.

there was a thick silence in the room and heizou looked at kazuha to see how he's holding up.

kazuha was wide eyed and a silent tear was rolling down his cheek. he realised how much of a deep hole he dug in scaramouches heart.

he thought what he did was the right thing. but apparently it wasn't.

traveller looked at kazuha with sympathy and decided to leave to continue his quest. heizou sat in silence with kazuha thinking about everything aether just said.

after a while of uncomfortable silence, heizou spoke up.

,,maybe...it's better if you go and meet him." he suggested and kazuha looked at heizou with an unreadable expression. his eyes wandered down losing focus.

,,one day I felt a...tug in my heart. it was a few weeks ago...I didn't really put much thought into this but this makes sense. I feel empty since then" kazuha explained what he was feeling the entire weeks.

heizou felt bad knowing now that his boyfriend was feeling empty the entire time and knew that it was his love for scaramouche that never faded.

maybe it could have ended differently?

heizou thought and a few seconds later he sighed feeling sad, regretful, confused and somber.

,,I see your love for him never really faded." kazuha closed his eyes in despair and sorrow hearing heizous words.

,,that is why I want you to go to sumeru and-"
heizou took a deep breath.

,,-start over with him again."

kazuhas eyes widened at that and shook his head denying that he couldn't do it.

it took heizou everything to convince him to go to sumeru.

,,he doesn't remember you again and we both know you still love him. it could have ended differently if you would have approached that subject softer than before" he sighed and continued looking into kazuhas teary eyes.

,,you have a second chance. make the best of it and see if it's meant to be. it was just...

the right person but wrong time."

kazuha couldn't look heizou in the eye anymore but nodded.

he'll do it.

he's gonna go to go to sumeru.

he's gonna try to make amends.

so here he is.

running to the sanctuary of surasthana once he arrived.

he wondered just how high this was as his running was feeling endlessly.

as he arrived at the balcony, he saw dark purple hair. the blue clothing. the blue hat. it was him.

kazuha stared at scaramouche with wide eyes that held longing.

,,is there anything I can help you with?"

it felt like the day they first met. the real first day.

,,I...uh.." the white haired male started sweating a bit and he saw scaramouche frowning.

,,I don't have time for this. if you want something, report it to the akademiya. I have bigger fish to fry."

that was all he said as he entered the sanctuary, not even looking back.

kazuha felt his heart drop, anxious that he messed up.

,,wait! don't go!" he attempted to run after the figure that went into the sanctuary but he was held back by the two matras guarding the sacred abode of the archon.

he was forced back and he held back his tears feeling miserable but he wasn't gonna give up. he was sitting on a bench and waited.

waited for hours.

until it was nighttime and he saw a figure walking through the empty streets of the city. kazuha knew it was him.

he got his shit together and calmed himself down.

,,excuse me, but could you help me with something?"

scaramouche turned around and stared at kazuha confused. he then looked around and kazuha was growing anxious.

,,who are you?"

the white haired smiled soft and was beginning to take the chance.

,,I am kaedehara kazuha."

kazuha was happy he could make amends with scaramouche even if he doesn't remember him now. he just knew that now is the right time.

it was the right person and right time now.

meanwhile heizou stared into the far distance of the ocean back in inazuma and chuckled soft knowing that kazuha and scaramouche could finally and really be happy now. even if it's takes a while now.

even if it meant letting kazuha go.

heizou went back to work smiling at the picture he had once taken of scaramouche and kazuha when they were still together.

they could finally be happy.

A/N: ahhhh a new chapter and i really hope this was the last considering that in the last chapter I said I won't touch this story again...

we all make mistakes <3

regrets ;  𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖Where stories live. Discover now