1.0 | redamancy

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HE FELT eccentric. inferior aswell —but why?
maybe he's scared of something?

he watched the indigo haired male as the morning sun was shining on his face making him look ethereal. kazuha felt butterflies all over again.

his chest was heaving up and down in the same slow pace as his lover watched him sleeping.

he couldn't ignore the small tug in his chest. something bothered him, made him feel scared and nervous.

whatever it was, it was ruining his sleep. he didn't mind as-long his lover could sleep in peace. he knew the indigo haired male wasn't affected if he was sleeping or awake for 2 weeks.

he was an immortal being after all. he admitted that a few weeks after they met, since honesty was important for him.

kazuha admired him. he hadn't spoken it out but he was aware that he went through a heavy past. scaramouche didn't need to tell him.

the samurai understood the wanderer by the way their eyes locked together when they crossed paths on nazuchi beach in tatarasuna.

he was a wanderer like him.
he was wandering alone like he was.
he lost people dear to him like him.

his eyes said everything. kazuha felt more than interest when he saw the blue wanderer.
he wanted to talk to him, so he did.

,,are you a wanderer too?"

scaramouche was confused and irritated why a person would come up to him and start a conversation. he didn't complain tho.

the question led them to walking together to the city and have a full and long lasting conversation.

it was more like scaramouche talking and kazuha listening. they shared a few similarities such as having the same element, which was anemo.

only after the day ended and they started to get acquainted with each other, did they finally say their names.

,,my name is kaedehara kazuha"

scaramouche's eyes widen at the mention of the surname kaedehara.

the red streaked male was the descended of the kaedehara clan. scaramouche cursed himself out why he didn't noticed it the moment he saw the single red streak. there is only one clan that
has had, a red streak in their bloodline, and that was the kaedehara clan.

,,I am..scaramouche."

they started to meet each other at different places at different times throughout the year and after some time they realised they hold even deeper feelings for the other person than they had imagined.

scaramouche went to nahida the moment he realised and was seeking advice. he didn't liked that fell for the last person remaining of the kaedehara clan.

his past was catching up to him, aswell as the memory of him killing the entire kaedehara bloodline only a very few being picked to stay alive.

scaramouche knew that there was no other to blame than himself, but was there to do?

the past is past, no matter how often he tried to change it.

so he went to the god of wisdom and asked,
,,is it really alright that I have feelings for a person related to the clan I have killed? it feels..not right."

nahida smiled softly and tried reassuring him,

,,your feelings matter, scara. do not bring yourself down. you regret your past actions and and you already atoned for the sins you've committed. don't you think it's time you take some time for yourself? trying to figure out what you want to do?"

scaramouche let that sink in. no matter how much nahida tries to tell him that it's the past and he atoned for the sins, he will always remember what he did back then and let it affect him.

he agreed to the idea of taking time for himself now and figuring out what he wants.

and he wants kaedehara kazuha.

only as a close friend-

,,we're just friends but I'd kiss him if he asked."
nahida sweatdropped.

maybe he wants kazuha more than just "close friends"

and so they took the step forward and confessed.

guess who the person was who confessed first?
obviously not scaramouche.

kazuha plucked a simple dendrobium from the ground and faced the wanderer who was facing the water while looking at the moon.

the white streaked male knew what he was going to say and hoped his feelings wouldn't be discarded and declared as a distractions like the wanderer once said.

,,the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"

scaramouche's breath hitched. he felt butterflies in his stomach, the kind nahida used to describe.

he was experiencing it right now. love.

he had to smile hearing the confession. nowadays it's rare to see people confessing feelings to their loved ones that way since it's an ancient inazumian culture.

scaramouche heard and saw a lot of people confessing to their lovers this way. it was famous to say the phrase whenever people gained feelings for another person but the fame died down after decades.

this time, scaramouche wasn't watching from the sidelines wishing he had a heart to love someone.

kazuha was his heart and he loves him.

,,yes, it is."

kazuha's heart raced after he heard these words. that was also enough for him as he smiled.

scaramouche glanced to the side and saw kazuha smiling at him. he pulled his hat down to hide his flushed face.

he was never aware that he was capable of feelings these emotions but he did not complain.
in fact, he liked it.

kazuha laughed softly seeing the reaction and teased him a bit for it.

this was one of the best moments that scaramouche was glad he kept living.

they ended the beautiful night at the beach with a quick but loving kiss on the cheek and left with butterflies in their stomachs.

scaramouche was filled with joy, happiness and love.

he wished things would stay the same.

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