☆ [ Goodnight, Sweet Magician ]

Start from the beginning

You squinted at him, snorting through your nostrils as you gingerly nudged his upper arm with your elbow. "Want to take a walk with me? I'm gonna get food, then head back to sleep."
Lyney's lips parted in surprise, "Really? You'd like me to go with you?" He questioned hesitantly, still slightly slow with exhaustion.
"If you want to," you pat his hat a bit, "I'm going to that really good brewery. They have outstanding tea, and they recently started serving food." Your voice cooed as you strode forth.
Lyney limped in your wake, hissing through his teeth as he continued to favor his ankle. "Ah," he halted entirely, crouching down to give his ankle a tight squeeze. "C'mon, don't fail me now.."

Without hesitation, you turned your body around and waltzed over to him. You then slid your arms around him, hoisting him into your arms.
Lyney's entire complexion flushed intense red as he began to wrap his arms around your neck, "Ahem.. Thank— thank you." His face neared your neck as he attempted to hide in embarrassment.
"Don't worry," you began to guide him onto your back. "Can you hang on?" You asked over your shoulder.
Lyney placed his chin upon your shoulder, breathing a sigh onto your exposed neck. "..yes." Came his brief, whispered response.

By then, a small audience had halted in the streets of Fontaine in order to observe the scene. Some murmured amongst themselves, others simply smiled at Lyney and walked away. Either way, you felt your neck begin to turn hot with the peoples gazes. You swore you saw a flicker of pure white and deep, vibrant blues amidst the crowd. The coloration reminded you of Neuvillette.
Smiling at that thought, you grasped Lyney's thighs in your hands as you began to trek down the roads of Fontaine. "So," you inhaled deeply between speaking. "Uh, did you get a lot done today?"
Lyney laughed quietly into your neck, "Yes, for the most part. How about you? What have you done today?" His question made you think a bit.
"Well, I roamed a lot today. I think I may have covered the entirety of Fontaine today, haha. And now, we're here!" You happily added the last part.
Lyney sighed, sounding preoccupied. "Now when I'm with you is my favorite part."

Blip..! Blip..!

Your head perked instantly as small droplets of water splashed upon your head. In an instant, you summoned your Serenitea Pot. With a sparkle of golden light, the teapot of amber hues materialized midair. As it obediently floated before you, you pulled a soft blanket from it's nose. "Here," you softly said as you handed it to Lyney. "Stay warm. I don't want you catching a cold out here."
With a crimson-colored face, Lyney drew the blanket over his shoulders, one at a time. He then wrapped his arms around you once more, his digits curled around two corners of the blanket. "You might have just stolen my heart," he leaned into your hair. "Hehe, just kidding."
"Aww," you snickered a bit as the drizzle began to escalate into a shower. "I wish you weren't joking." You replied decisively as you proceeded walking towards the coffee shop.

"You heard me," you chuckled under your breath, "You really are tired, Lyney. I said I wish you weren't joking. Do you know what that means?" You playfully questioned as the coffee shop's dim, amber lighting came into view.
Lyney nodded his head subtly, "I-I heard you," he stammered as he struggled to find his words. "Uh, I wasn't joking." He muttered.
"Sorry?" You peered over your shoulder.
"You did steal my heart," Lyney confessed in a demure whisper. "That's no easy task— I am a magician after all."

You melted into a gentler expression, your face tinted with redness as you eyed Lyney to the best of your ability. "Haha, I guess I'm lucky," you hoisted him further up on your back. "I'll be honest, I don't know what this makes us as friends."
As the shower transformed into a downpour, you simply stood in the shadow of the coffee shop, unable to process your emotions. Lyney's chin reunited with your shoulder, "Can't we just be lovers instead?" He questioned.
Your ears flushed with heat as your fingers tightened around his thighs, a soft and embarrassed chuckle escaping your lips. "..yeah. Yeah, we can. I'd love that."

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