chapter 4 suspicion

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Sylvester had been a bit suspicious with Claudia. Claudia was disappearing and she was making up excuses to meet with Aphrodite since he didn't want Sylvester to know that he was around. Sylvester and Sapphire were waiting for Claudia at the door because they saw her walking to the door. "Sapphire I'm getting a bit suspicious with Claudia every time she is coming over here she just turns away and I can tell she is making up excuses!" "Don't worry Sylvester you know how she is!" "yeah she is like that sometimes" he said while laughing. 

Claudia was getting closer to the door but then she turned away. "she did it again!" Sylvester was getting a bit frustrated than he had enough. "you know what I'm done with this! I'm going to follow Claudia and see where the hell she is always off to!" "Sylvester I don't think that is a good idea!" "I need to see where this girl is off to!" Sylvester slammed open his door and walked outside. "Sylvester wait! please don't do this!" Sapphire ran outside after Sylvester. 

Sapphire and Sylvester were both following Claudia. "this is not a good idea Sylvester!" "it doesn't matter let's see what this girl is hiding from us" Sylvester and Sapphire  were both following Claudia to see where she is going. they were walking in the big green forest. Claudia was walking and looking at the trees moving to the wind. she felt the wind blowing on her face. she was walking while enjoying the sounds of nature. "she probably wanted to enjoy the nature here that's why she turned around she probably wants time by herself!" Sapphire said. "she is definitely going somewhere where she doesn't want me to know" Then Sapphire let out a big groan. "Sylvester stop being such an idiot! Claudia just wants to enjoy her time here in the void now let's just go home!" "Sapphire I have already told you! I can tell when there is something wrong with Claudia! just stay with me and I will show you I'm right!" 

Sapphire growled and continued following Sylvester. "just wait until Claudia founds out you have been following her this whole time she wouldn't be really pleased" Sapphire mumbled. then Claudia reached the end of the forest. Sylvester and Sapphire were still following her. Sapphire looked over at Sylvester. "to be honest Sylvester, this is probably the dumbest ideas you have ever came up with in your life" "quite Sapphire!" Claudia then started walking out of the forest and she started walking in a field. Sylvester and Sapphire continued to follow Claudia. the field was filled with green long grass and it was very empty. the wind was blowing and the grass was moving to the wind. Sylvester crouched down and they both continued to follow Claudia. then while they were following her, they reached to the jungle. 

Claudia started walking into the jungle and Sylvester and Sapphire were following her. Claudia was exploring the massive jungle. there were a lot of trees and vines around the jungle. while she was walking, she saw a red panda on a tree branch. the fluffy red panda looked over at Claudia. she smiled at the red panda and continued walking. Sylvester and Sapphire continued to follow her. then they reached the end of the jungle. another field appeared and Claudia started walking in it. Sylvester and Sapphire were both walking in the field as well. Claudia arrived at a small forest and she started to walk inside it. Sylvester and Sapphire both walked into the small forest. Claudia was walking around the forest and ten she saw a tree. she walked over to the tree and sat down behind it . Sylvester and Sapphire were hiding in a bush and saw Claudia sitting near a tree. "now we wait" Sylvester said

it had been 5 minutes later and Claudia was still sitting at the tree. Sapphire was starting to lose her patience and then she had enough. "you know what I am done with this! you dragged me all the way over here just to see Claudia sit near a tree for at least 5 minutes and you think she is making up some excuses to enjoy her time here?" "Sapphire you don't under-" "what do I not understand Sylvester? I have enough I'm going home! I have enough with your stupid ideas!" "you are really going home? we travelled a long time to get here it will take a long time to get back you do know that?" "I don't care! I don't want to waste my time with you!" Sapphire hissed. "well go then already I don't need to hear your complaining! why did u even come in the first  place?" "BECAUSE I HAD NO CHOICE!" "I already told you this! I'm doing this for Claudia's safety!" "just wait until she figures out you have been following her this whole time!" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD OUT OF YOU SAPPHIRE JUST GET LOST! I HAVE ENOUGH WITH YOU!" Sylvester said as he pushed sapphire away from him.

"FINE!" Sapphire hissed at Sylvester and she walked away. Sylvester looked at Sapphire walking away. She looked back at him with an angry look. then Sylvester heard an animal landing on the ground. he quickly looked through the bush and saw some big black claws. Claudia stood up from the tree and she went over to hug the animal. "it's so great to see you Aphrodite!" She said. "it's great to see you too" Sylvester then got a big shock. "s-she has been hanging out with Aphrodite this whole time and she never told me about it! that's why she has been making up excuses!" Sylvester was shocked and then he was furious. "Aphrodite is trying to manipulate Claudia and I know it! I have to tell Sapphire fast!" Sylvester ran away from the bush to go find Sapphire. 

Claudia saw the bush move. "what was that?" Aphrodite heard foot steps and he saw Sylvester running. "I will go check it out you stay here I will be right back" Aphrodite spread out his wings and flew into the air. Sylvester was running around the forest trying to find for Sapphire. "Sapphire! Sapphire where are you!" Then he saw Sapphire walking. "Sapphire! I need to tell you something it's very serious! I was right! Claudia was making up excuses! she has been hanging out with Aphrodite!" Sapphire was ignoring him at first but when he heard the name Aphrodite she turned around. "r-really?" "yes! I saw it with my own eyes! please you have to believe me!" Aphrodite appeared behind Sapphire and Sylvester summoned his spirit. Aphrodite grabbed Sapphire by the neck and threw her onto the ground. 

Aphrodite then pinned her to the ground. he opened up a portal and teleported Sapphire into the dungeon. "SAPPHIRE!" Sylvester yelled. Aphrodite laughed and looked over at Sylvester. "well long time no see SYLVESTER HILL~" "What did you do with Claudia!" "oh her? she believes that I'm the good guy and Atlas is the monster soon she will betray you and she will work for me and soon you will be left with no one your two other stupid friends will be killed you will be left alone again! and then you will be my next victim!" Aphrodite said as he laughed. "NO I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THAT!" Sylvester's spirit charged at Aphrodite but then he flew away. "I have to follow him and see where him and Claudia are going." 

Sapphire fell onto the ground of the dungeon. "no!" she yelled and she started crying. Akari walked over to Sapphire. "Sapphire how did u get in here?" Sapphire looked over and saw Akari. "A-Akari? how did you get in here?" "I was at the mountains with Claudia and Aphrodite found me and he trapped me in here! how about you?" "because of my stupidity" Sapphire said as she put her head on the ground. "why didn't I trust Sylvester? he was right after all! he is always right! he knows when there is something wrong with Claudia! If we never came here Claudia could of been dead by now!" Akari walked over to Sapphire and sat down beside her.

"don't worry about it Sapphire at least he did the right thing! Claudia will know about who he really is and they will free us! don't worry about it!" Akari spread out her wing and pulled Sapphire close to her. "we just have to wait patiently for the time to come" Sapphire looked over at Akari and nodded. "thanks Akari" she said. Akari looked at Sapphire with a smile. "anytime!" Sapphire started purring and she was rubbing her head against Akari's violet fur. 

Sylvester quickly ran back to the same bush where he was earlier. he saw Aphrodite land on the ground. "It was a wolf trying to attack you! luckily I scared the wolf away! I didn't want you getting hurt!" Then Aphrodite transformed into a human. "shall we get going?" he asked. "sure!" Aphrodite and Claudia started walking and Sylvester was secretly following them. "don't worry Claudia I will free you from that monster!" 

Claudia and Aphrodite were walking together to his cave. Claudia looked over at Aphrodite. "to be honest, you are probably one of the nicest people I have every met! I'm really glad to have you as a friend Aphrodite!" "oh really? thank you so much for those kind words Claudia!" Claudia smiled at Aphrodite. Sylvester was still following them and then he got a bit furious. "he is not a nice person he is a bloody devil!" Sylvester said quietly. then they finally reached Aphrodite's cave. Aphrodite and Claudia went inside. Sylvester came out behind the tree and looked down at the cave. "well look who is busted!" Sylvester said as he laughed. 

Sylvester summoned his spirit and slowly walked over to the cave. he then took a deep breathe. "Claudia, Sapphire, don't worry I'm here to save you guys!" Sylvester moved the vines out of the way and started walking in the cave. the phantom eyes were glowing bright red. Sylvester was looking around for Claudia and Aphrodite. "wow this place is huge how am I supposed to find them?" While Sylvester was looking around he saw to black figures in the distance. "there they are!" Sylvester was slowly walking over to them. Claudia sat down on the floor. Aphrodite became a wolf and he was laying down beside Claudia. Sylvester was getting closer and closer to them. 

then Sylvester saw Aphrodite and Claudia together. "CLAUDIA!" Sylvester yelled. Claudia looked at saw Sylvester. she quickly stood up and looked at him "S-Sylvester?!?"

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