"And what situation calls upon that decision?"

Felix's face burned at the query. He shouldn't be talking about his feelings for the man of the estate so casually. "A feeling that causes anguish and distress. Others call it love. I find it's more of an affliction. A plague if you will," he told her.

"Then it's neither a matter of the heart nor mind, sweetie. Those will trick you," the lady answered.

"Then where does one find a solution to this dreadful problem?"

"In the gut. What is yours telling you now?"

"I'm anxious to the point I may vomit," Felix confessed. His face wrinkled in disgust at his words. Still, it was the truth. He felt queasy.

"Then I'd say you have your answer." The woman stroked Charming's neck gently. She called one of the workers and they scurried over. "Would you do Mister Lee the favor of leading his steed to the stable?"

Felix watched the interaction in slight surprise. "Yes, right away, Lady Seo." His face paled as the name registered in his head. Oh, how the lord abhorred him. He had just confided his romantic feelings to Changbin's elder sister thinking she was a maiden of the estate. He should crawl into a casket and wither away to nothing.

Lady Seo turned back toward him with a light giggle. "Don't be embarrassed. You've already told me. Nothing you can do about it now."

Felix pressed his hands to his face out of shame. "Please forget everything I've divulged with you Lady Seo. I didn't mean to confess such things to you. You must be revolted."

"Should I be? There's nothing wrong with falling in love. It makes no difference to me if it's my brother or not. And please, call me Changmi." The young man peeked through his fingers. She was far more relaxed than Changbin. "Should we have some tea while we wait for his return?" she asked with a sweet grin.

Felix's uneasiness waned slightly at the sight. It felt like he had another big sister as strange as that sounded. He ended up agreeing and they found themselves in the estate's library. Felix had never seen a place so beautiful. There was a whole wall of nothing but books. Felix brushed his fingers against the leather spines with a bright smile. He'd long forgotten his anxiety. He was far too lost in the abundance of stories.

"I've never been anywhere so amazing," he said as he glanced over at Changmi. She was pouring tea into two cups.

"Changbin always brings books back from London when he goes. The ones with two dots are the ones he enjoys the most. If they have one marking he's read it and it wasn't satisfactory. He's quite studious. You'll find most of them are about astrology and Greek gods. He's obsessed with the moon," she said.

Felix searched for books with two dots on them. He stopped on one with a black cover. It had three dots. He pulled it out from its home and flipped it open. The title was something he couldn't pronounce. "This one has three."

"Really? Bring it over."

Felix did as asked and strode over to Changmi. He took the spot on the couch next to her and let her take the book. "It's German. Meine Sonne Und Stern. It means My sun and star."

Felix's eyes widened. "Changbin told me it meant to pick up a book," he whispered. He felt a blush coat his cheeks. "He always speaks in code. I can never get anything out of him."

"I think that's positive," Changmi giggled. "Anyone he truly dislikes is left with a blank stare and a one-sided conversation. He doesn't put any effort into things he finds a waste of time."

"He argues quite a lot with me."

"Perhaps he likes the reaction you give."

Changmi handed back the thick text and reached for her china full of tea. Felix looked around the room some more as he caressed the front of the book. "You said Changbin enjoys the moon?" he asked.

Sorry, I Love You ☾hanglixWhere stories live. Discover now