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It had been about six days since you had come back from Atlantis. You at least had a full day to rest, recover, and spend some nice time with everyone and some private time with Loki. Everyone was still trying to grasp the concept of you and Loki technically being engaged. Thor was still so happy about it and he was trying to get Loki to write to their mother back on Asgard. Thor would be happy to deliver it himself for sure.

But, after that nice first day back you had gotten straight to work on trying to find Black Manta. The whole team was happy to help in anyway they could on missions and to also help find him. Bruce and Tony have been a big help to you. Three peoples eyes where better then just your own two eyes. If it wasn't for Loki coming up and bringing you food you probably wouldn't even have remembered to eat. Being stuck in Tony's large lab until you had gotten a lead was worrying everyone.

Everyone sat in the living area and soon finally Steve broke the silence. "She needs to get out some."

"I've tried. She won't even budge for a spa day." Nat sighed heavily

Tony entered the room. "She only just got back from that last lead yesterday. There isn't anything wrong with being passionate"

Clint scoffed "there is a difference in being passionate and obsessed, Tony"

"Be still in your words. Lady y/n is trying to avenge the deaths of her parents. There is no greater honor to bring your family then avenging them" Thor tried to defend you.

As Loki closed his book since the room was getting to loud he just looked out the window. The truth was he was getting worried about you as well. You hadn't slept much nor ate much. You'd pass out from exhaustion before actually coming to bed. If he didn't sit there and watch you eat he wouldn't believe a word you said when you'd say you ate. But, he couldn't deny what Thor said was true. There was no better honor then to avenge your family. Which is why he wasn't stopping you despite his concerns.

"Loki, come on. You need to talk to her" Bruce finally spoke up after everyone else.

He sighed and looked to everyone who had been looking his way. "I regret to inform you all that I've tried already. She is adamant to find this man. No matter what I say." He looked down to the floor and then back up. "Though, Thor is right. As much as I hate to admit it. There is no greater honor then to avenge one's family."

Thor looked proud his brother actually agreed with him for once. Everyone seemed to frown when they realized the one person who you'd probably listen to most has tried and failed as well. Suddenly the elevator doors opened and you stood there. Everyone was silent as they watched you walk into the kitchen.

You grabbed yourself a bowel and got some cereal. Everyone gave a sigh of relief as they watched you eat. When you turned and saw everyone watching you it felt awkward.


Nat chuckled "it's the first time we've seen you eat in days."

"Yeah, we are just relieved is all" Steve chimed in

You walked over to Loki and sat on the couch in front of him. Everyone smiling and finally talking about normal things. Loki watched you eat as he gave a smirk placing his right foot on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch. Placing his book on his lap. He had brought a few books back from Atlantis to start reading up on the history and rules of the place. He had to admit he was so curious and so happy to learn about it. Then again, he always was one for knowledge.

"Happy to see you eating finally."

You rolled your eyes "you've seen me eat"

"Yes, but not on your own. I've had to basically feed you myself. Your to stubborn" he retorted

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