Chapter 2 : new region

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After last chapter ash has got onto a random flight as he gets on the plane and he sits down the plane soon after starts to take off. While ash was on the plane he was looking at his pokéballs as he remembered how Pikachu chose the traitors over him. Ash then put the pokeballs away as he fell asleep.

(Small time skip...)

Ash woke up as the plane started to descend. He looked at his rotom phone as he sees that he was asleep for 3 hours. Soon after the plane landed as ash grabbed his bag as he started to walk out of the plane as he looked up to a sign which said 'welcome to Galar'. Ash was confused as to what region he was in but all he knew was he was in Galar. He let squirtle out of his poke ball as he was the smallest Pokémon he would be the easiest to walk around with another reason why he chose squirtle was because he was the starter he wanted when he first set out on his jouney. Soon after he walked outside as he looked at his rotom phone. His phones map said that he was in 'wedgehurst'. As he saw where he was he started to walk around as he saw a clothing store as he went over to the shop and went in to buy some new clothes. Ash ended up buying what he had in journeys but with jeans instead of shorts and a red jacket instead of a blue one. After ash bought his new clothes he put his mega ring on his wrist as he started to walk around taking in the sights. Soon after someone ran into ash as they fell over "owww..." the mystery person said.

Hop's POV:

I was running towards professor magnolia's lab as I accidentally ran into someone as I fell over "owww..." I said. "Are you okay?" The person I ran into said as he offered a hand. "Yeah. I'm fine" I grabbed his hand as he helped me up. "By the way. The name's Hop. Nice to meet you." I said cheerfully. "My names Ash Ketchum." He said as he then shook my hand. "Wait Ash.. as in the Ash who came second in the Kalos League?" I asked. "Yep that's me." He said trying not to draw attention to himself. "Well Hop. You seemed to be in a rush. So where are you headed?" Ash asked me. "oh crap... I'm probably late. I was meant to be going to the professors lab. Want to join?" I asked ash. "Sure. I haven't got anything better to do." He said. Soon after we went to the professors lab. (I'm skipping this interaction.) I ended up getting myself a rotom phone and a new starter which was a sobble.


"Well what are we going to do now?" Ash asked hop. "To be honest ash. I have no idea.." hop responded. The two ended up getting some food and talked for a bit as ash told him his story and why he is in Galar. "Damn.. that's tough mate." Hop said to ash after ash told him his story. "It's alright. It just doesn't give pleasant memories." Ash said to him. Hop then told ash thing about him and his brother being the champion. "And my dream is to beat my brother and be the new champion!" Hop said with a lot of energy. "Not a bad dream." Ash replied "mine is to become a Pokémon Master." Ash said to him. Hop didn't question it because he kind of understood what ash meant as they both started to laugh and talk for a bit. Hop invited ash round his due to it getting pretty late. The next day ash and hop went out and started to explore the surrounding area as ash saw some brand new Pokémon and started registering them into his Pokédex. About an hour later ash has registered every new Pokémon from route 1 and 2 as he then sent the data to professor oak as oak thanked him and found out that he was in Galar. "Hey ash. What pokemon do you have?" Hop asked as he pointed to ash's belt which had 5 pokeballs on it due to squirtle being out of his ball. "Huh? What Pokémon do I have? I can show you them." Ash said as he chucked the 5 other pokeballs into the air as noivern, sceptile, infernape, charizard an krookodile came out. "These are my other Pokémon." Ash said to hop. "Wow... you even have 4 starter Pokémon on your team. You could probably beat most of the gyms here with relative ease.. hell even most of the trainers." Hop said in amazement. "Thanks hop." Ash said as he recalled his Pokémon as he and hop then got a notification on their rotom phones saying that they have been invited to join the Pokémon masters tournament. "Huh what's this?" Hop asked. "Looks like we've been invited to a tournament of some sort." Ash replied. Soon after they took a look at their profiles and saw that ash's name was set to "red satoshi". Ash understood that they hid his identity so that the traitors won't know it's him. "So hop. By the looks of it this tournament will take place in the span of 2 years. And looks like you can still do the gym challenge while taking place in the tournament." Ash said to hop remind him. "Neat" Is all hop responded with.

(Time skip a few months)

It has been 4 months since the 'incident' as ash and hop have been taking part in the tournament and the gym challenge. There are 10,000 trainers who are taking part in the Masters Tournament. Ash's current rank is 53 while hops is 895 showing the difference in power between the two. Hop has been going up the ranks pretty fast. He managed to get into the top 5000 in 3 months as he is now in the top 900 while ash managed to get in the top 1000 within a few weeks. It only took him 2 months to get into the top 99.

The rank systems for the masters tournament are:

Rank 10,000 - 1000 : basic class
Rank 999 - 100 : great class
Rank 99 - 9 : ultra class
Rank 8 - 1 : master class

The traitors and ash's true friends are all in the masters tournament. The other traitors haven't changed their teams and are all still in the basic league while Brock and Clemont have both reached the great league. Brock is rank 897 while Clemont is rank 896.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

And a note for the masters tournament will be that there is no battle between the 8 trainers for the title but once the tournament ends the 8 highest ranked trainers will be classed as the strongest trainers.

1161 words.

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