Infos (must read)

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Ok, maybe I didn't say this but I thought it was implicated. So now I'll make a list of what you mustn't do with my book.

Do NOT put this book in a reading list with a nsfw/sexual name (for example: skz smuts).

Do NOT put this book in the same reading list as smuts/nsfw stories.

Do NOT write nsfw things in the comments of this book.

Do NOT make my book a not-safe place for littles.

LITTLESPACE IS NOT NSFW! Please, maybe it was my mistake to take these things for granted, but now that I have this warning published, I'll block you/delete the comments if you ignore these rules. It's not the first time someone has this story in the same reading list as smuts, and this not only could make littles feel uneasy, but also gives a wrong idea of this book. So please, don't do it anymore.

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