𝓣𝔀𝓸 𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼

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When Seungmin woke up something was obviously wrong. His throat was burning and his head was hurting. He wasn't little and he definitely didn't want to be, not wanting to burden his members more. Plus, his little side wouldn't be able to bare the pain, resulting in cries that would make his throat worse.

Seungmin went silently to the kitchen to get himself some water, however he winced once he felt the cold liquid burn his throat more. His headache got even worse if possible, but he had to keep quiet, in order to not wake up the members. The vocalist looked at the clock. It was 4 AM. Quietly going back to his room after realizing that drinking could only worsen the situation, Seungmin didn't know what to do, but half an hour later he convinced himself to grab a painkiller.

After he gulped down the medicine, the boy returned to his bedroom, but only to grab his earphones and phone. Then he quietly dragged his tired body to the living room. On the couch, Seungmin watched videos until he heard noises come from a bedroom. Footsteps were heard in the kitchen and then headed to the living room. If it's Chan hyung, thought Seungmin, he's gonna scold me for not sleeping.

But the footsteps didn't belong to Chan. They were Jeongin's. The maknae too woke up because of the headache. Seeing his hyung awake too, Jeongin tilted his head to ask explanations. Seungmin could only point at his head and throat, not being able to speak because of the pain. Jeongin put on a sad face before pointing at himself.

"You too?" the oldest wanted a confirmation, but his voice was barely audible and hoarse, the two short words made Seungmin's throat's conditions worse.

The maknae nodded, then pointed to his hyung's phone and mimed the action of typing on the screen. Thankfully he understood and wrote a small message to Jeongin.


Little Fox 🦊

Don't talk, it will hurt your throat more. Get some water and try swallowing a sip. If it's not too painful you can try to have a painkiller like I did before. I think we're sick from yesterday's rain, we both know our immunitary systems aren't that great :) You can stay with me, but if Chan hyung gets to know we're up this late we're screwed haha

You meant early? It's 4:35 AM hyung XD

Oh right sorry 😅


The two stayed on the couch texting each other as they couldn't use their voices.

At some point, Jeongin texted that his throat was feeling a bit better so he would go to bed to try and sleep some more hours. Seungmin didn't feel better one bit. He couldn't sleep at all, he couldn't do anything. If he didn't feel this miserable, he would be in the practice room, careless of the time, trying to do better, but in his conditions it was already a miracle that he could walk to the kitchen. He tried to make himself some tea, hoping that it would help at least with the pain in his throat. The chamomile tea was done in a couple minutes and after adding a generous amout of honey to it, the vocalist sat back on the couch with a big cup in his hands. Sipping slowly the hot beverage, Seungmin finally felt some relief. Tears of joy almost flowed from his eyes as he finished his drink. His throatache was slowly letting him in peace at least for the moment. Sighing, the boy grabbed a cushion from the couch and used it as a pillow. Grabbing a blanket from the coffee table he used the couch as a bed, hoping to sleep at least two hours more. Surprisingly, he slept not only a lot more than he expected, but also really well considered his conditions. When the other members woke up, they found Seungmin sleeping and decided to wake him up to make him eat breakfast. Well, wrong move. The boy didn't like being woken up and after the tough hours he stayed awake, he surely deserved more rest.

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