Mithra was stupefied hearing everything. She never knew Goutham was at the hospital when she fainted at college.

Mithra Mv: why did not Goutham tell me if he was at the hospital when I fainted ?

Mithra: Yeah he told me but I couldn't see his face at that time.

Saravanan: Yeah, that boy was mad seeing you like that. Even I was shocked to see someone reacting that way for someone who just fainted. He couldn't calm down even after your brother arrived there to take care of you. Even your brother tried to calm him down but he was so riled up.

Mithra Mv: Goutham knew Vinay already ?

Mithra: yes sir, my brother still tease him with that. 

Saravanan: We are getting late Mithra. Please do come with Goutham. I will be very happy to see him after these years.

Mithra: Sure, we will come sir. Convey my wishes to your daughter. 

Mithra got in the car lost in whatever she heard from her professor. She remembered the day waking up in a hospital with vinay beside her. Clearly she remembered Vinay informing her that she got fainted on the final day of college and was taken to hospital. From the first contact he was called to take care of her. Being scared of her father for not eating properly both brother and sister hid the details and returned home.

Mithra Mv: What are they hiding from me ? If they both know each other then why did Goutham react like he did not know about Vinay ?

She returned home and saw Kavitha and Raghuvaran in the hall and Vinay was watching TV with a pillow below his ankle.

Kavitha noticed her first and rushed to her.

Kavitha: Mithra, what happened. Why are you at home when you had so much of work ?

Mithra: I m not feeling well maa. Feeling dizzy and like my body is burning. 

Raghuvaran: Shall we go to hospital Mithra ?

Mithra: No pa, I will take medicines and rest for sometime.

Kavitha: Go change and I will bring you hot water and medicine.

Once Mithra reached her room she got changed but her mind was still stuck on Vinay and Goutham. Kavitha entered the room and gave hot water and medicine but Mithra placed them on the table and closed the door.

Mithra: Maa, I need to talk to you.

Kavitha: We rejected the proposal Mithra. You need not worry about that.

Mithra: Thank you maa but appa will not stop and start looking for proposals again. Please help me to convince appa.

Kavitha: Let few days pass and we will talk to him at the right time. Now he is not yet over from rejecting his friend's proposal.

Mithra: Thank you maa. Are you angry over me ?

Kavitha: No, I m not. I don't know about Goutham but I know you. I have seen you grow and you will never do anything wrong and more than that I saw the truth in your eyes when you spoke about him. I can understand how much he care for you already. What else do I want ? If my daughter will be happy in her life and if he will stand by her in achieving her dreams than who am I to stop you ? Not to forget you both are married already.

Mithra: Maa....

Kavitha: We had lot of dreams in getting you married Mithra.

Mithra: Your dreams will come true maa. We want to marry again with all your blessings and I want everyone to know that we are made for each other.

His Eternal Obssession (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now