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"Hey, hey Don, you up?" Leo asked. He was at the doorstep of Donnie's lab, it was 3AM and as the mayor insomniac of the family, he couldn't sleep.

Well, he tried to, but he ended up roaming around the lair. Also, he mighta-kinda-coulda-had a nightmare trying to sleep before he walked around.

So that's why he's seeking comfort from Donnie. Even though Donnie doesn't really pick up on social cues but just having him there..he doesn't know..its calming.

Maybe its a twin thing. Or the fact that they've been closer than the rest. But anyway, Donnie wont answer, that idiot, I know he's awake.

"Donnieee, Donatello, Dee, Don, Donnie baby, Donald, Oh come ON DONNIE"

The lab door opened showing a Donnie who is brushing his teeth standing in the doorway ."What do you want" his voice was muffled by the toothpaste in his mouth so he sounded like he said "wath fo u wanf"

"Oh nothing" said Leo, "just wanted to spend some time with you"

"Im about to go to sleep though" Donnie responded, then suddenly squinted his eyes. "Why are you awake?" He questioned.

"I couldn't sleep," he decided to cut out the nightmare part. "Soooo why not visit my favorite twin in the meantime?"

Donnie was too sleepy that at this point he didn't want to argue against his dum-dum brother. " 'kay but what are you even gonna to do in here?" He went over to spit the toothpaste in the mini sink he installed along with the mini bathroom in his lab/room thing. Leo took it as consent to enter his room.

The door closed behind him with a hiss and Leo was seen with two mugs in his hands. Donnie didn't notice them when Leo was at the doorstep but he could see clearly now that the rain is gone.

"What're the mugs for?" Donnie pointed at them. "Well I figured you were awake, and you are, so I decided to make some hot cocoa for the both of us" he continued "thing is, you already brushed your teeth, so, more for me" he ended with a smile on his lips as he set the two mugs on Donnie's night stand. Donnie did an eye roll as he set his toothbrush where it belonged.

"Okay but you didn't answer my question, what're you planning on doing here?" Donnie turned to face Leo, walking up to him.

"Well, maybe I could sleep over with you?" Leo looked to the side sheepishly, he knows Donnie might say no for that since he's on that "we're not children anymore" morality.

"..We're fourteen." Like he said, morality.

"Come on Don, im bored and i have nothing to do here. Can you at least this once? Like old times?" Leo pouted.

Donnie looked at him unfazed, until he let out a long sigh. "Fine, but no funny business with my shell, capisce?"

"Capishimo, Don" Leo grinned. "So, 10 bucks I chug the drink down?" He picked up his mug and waited for Don's answer.

"I'll take them back if you need to piss later" Donnie smirked. And Leo chugged. And was he glad the drink wasnt hot enough to burn his tongue.

Once he was done with the first mug, he grabbed the second and drank it as well.

He set the mug down with a dramatic thud as he grinned at Donnie again. "How'd I do?" He said with a hint of proudness in his voice. Donnie rolled his eyes again with an amused smile, walking over to his bed, Leo followed after him.

"How are we going to do this? My bed's too small." Donnie said, but Leo was already climbing up the ladder and situated himself on Donnie's bed. Not being able to do much, taking off his glasses and mask before he got on his bed too, facing away from Leo.

Since he was mostly naked, his shell was exposed to Leo's clothed plastron. Leo, unsure asked for Donnie to turn around. Donnie took a minute before answering.

"..I like the pressure against it, just don't press too hard." Donnie said a little unsure.

Leo smiled at him, "got it, Donabellow."

"Call me that again and I kick you out of my bed, literally."

Leo snickered, "do i give you a goodnight kiss too babes?" He teased. And even if he couldn't see Donnie's face he knew he had a deadpan on his face.

"G'night Donnie"

"Night" Donnie slurred, closing his eyes.

Leo thought of saying 'I love you' but maybe that was too much. He doesn't even know why he thought of saying that. Feeling a little silly, he chuckled and wrapped his arms around Donnie, making sure he didn't put too much pressure on Donnie's shell. He felt Donnie tense a little, he never really liked physical touch, he rubbed Donnie's arms to soothe him a little and let out a pleased exhale as he felt Donnie untense. He always seemed to calm down when he was rubbed on his arms. It was cute to see.

Anyywayy..his eyes are getting heavy and he's getting more sleepy to think about anything. He smiled one last time and adjusted his grip on Donnie.

"I love you." He whispered mindlessly, but Donnie was long gone in his subconscious. And was he glad about that.

Go to sleep you insomniac.

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