Our Family

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All heads turned towards me as I walked through the room. I know they were focused on the loud children following behind me arguing to each other. Javier kept in step with me with his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close. His business partners looked between me and the loud mess behind me. They looked at Javi and sat down when they noticed his stone cold expression.

"Boys" I turned around and the guys looked over at me before straightening up.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Go take care of them" I handed a folder to them and they nodded before walking out the door.

"So you're the boss of this operation now?" The table of guys laughed and I rested my hands on Javi's shoulders while I watched them laugh at their own stupid joke.

"I'm still in charge, we just treat her with respect. The difference between a man and the rest of the little boys sitting at this table" They got quiet and Javi kissed my hand gently before pushing his chair back. I sat down in his lap and watched as he went over business with the group. After the meeting, we took the guys out for food and went to a party afterwards. Javi couldn't keep his hands off me after he was done talking to the host. We danced almost all night and I wouldn't have it any other way. Bash stole me away and danced with me for a few songs. Everyone had a good time and I was glad. All of them had been so uptight because of work the past few weeks and they finally got to relax and have the night off.

"Our amazing queen" The guys bowed down and raised their glasses to toast to me and I laughed and shook my head.

"You are drunk as fuck" Javi kissed me and smiled down at me.

"Drunk off of you" He pulled me to the car and made his way to the house. He carried my heels inside for me and warmed up my robe for me while I showered. He pecked my lips and handed me shorts and one of his shirts as I sat down on the side of the bed. He went to take his shower and I got dressed and turned on a movie. I was almost asleep when I heard the door open and I looked over to see him smile down at me. He kissed my forehead and shut the light before crawling into bed. I laid against his chest and drifted to sleep while he watched the movie.

In the morning~

I woke up and seen a big box next to my pillow. I picked up the note and it read: "I have a huge surprise we think you'll like! Put this on and come downstairs when you're ready" I opened the box and there was a beautiful dress and heels inside. I quickly got ready and matched my make up look to the color of the dress. I walked into the kitchen and they all smiled at me.

"You look beautiful" I noticed they were wearing nicer clothes and I was quite surprised.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" I rolled my eyes as he pulled me towards the door. The guys got in a separate car and headed off in front of us. Javi put a blindfold over my eyes and shortly started driving afterwards. It wasn't too long of a drive before we came to a stop. He lead me out of the car and I was holding onto his arm.

"I'm scared I'm going to trip" I squealed when he suddenly picked me up. After he walked for a good few feet, he set me down on a chair. He took off my blindfold and we were at some romantic picnic in a park with the ocean view. The guys waited on us while we ate and carried around our, well my, shopping bags. Once the sun started to set, he put the blind fold back on and drove me somewhere else. He helped me out once again and then I felt him pick me up. I was set down and I felt him walk away and then two people were at my side. They took off my blind fold and Javi was on one knee with a ring held out towards me. I gasped as I looked out over the ocean sunset and the candles and flowers on the beach.

"Camillia Lorenzo, you've managed to turn not just my world, but our world upside down in the best way possible. I've never felt love like yours it's so honest and pure. The house has never had genuine laughter until you came. You've been a blessing for everyone, mostly me. You've helped me to become the man I want to be for you, Cami. Will you be my queen forever and marry me?"

"Yes, yes of course" I've never heard the guys yell as loud as they did that night and they are very very loud. I kissed him and melted into his arms and we ended up with the cutest proposal pictures just from the kiss. Camillia Castillo and Javier Castillo with their "children" living as one happy, loud, crazy family.

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