Good Morning, Purchase

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I woke up to the smell of food, to my surprise. I'm usually the one that cooks breakfast. Then the memories of last night came back to me and I groaned. Not a prank, sadly. I walked into the kitchen and seen a new guy making pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage. I opened the fridge and seen a package of strawberries. When I closed the door I looked over at the guy, who was staring at me. I waved and took the strawberries back to my room. I ate the whole container and headed to take a shower. "My" bathroom was beautiful and not as bland as the room, but still could use some touch ups. I got out and dried my hair and threw on some different shorts and a sports bra. I threw the container out and grabbed a cup of yogurt out of the fridge. I sat down at the island counter and started eating. Sebastian walked in and his boy toy followed. They both ignored me and boy toy headed to the table.

"Who ate my strawberries?.. And my YOGURT?!" Sebastian was standing at the fridge door and looked around before his eyes landed on me. He looked down to see his cup of yogurt in my hand and I took the last spoonful as he walked over.

"I don't see your name on it" He grabbed it and turned it around to show me that he literally wrote his name onto the side. I scoffed because of how childish that was.

"Oops" I walked back to my room closing the door behind me and turned on the TV. I got onto YouTube and listened to music while hanging all my clothes up in the closet. I was dancing around and felt someone grab my waist. I looked back to see boy toy guiding my hips to the music and I pulled away from him.

"Here." He handed me a stack of cash and looked at my closet.

"I don't need this" He scoffed and pointed to the closet.

"Yeah.. you do! Keep some things you want, but this has to go and you'll get new clothes. Rocky and Sebastian are taking you out shopping. Have fun, purchase" I growled at my nickname and started getting ready. I laid a couple things out on my bed and wrote a note for him to keep them before heading into the living room.

"Ready?" Sebastian grabbed the keys and we walked down to the garage. Boy toy was whispering something to 'Rocky' before we left and when he got into the car I asked what it was.

"He told me to not let you out of my sight and to tell you to not do anything stupid" I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"I'm not a child" The car ride was long, but so worth it. I haven't been to the mall in at least ten years and I was having a hay day. I was even able to afford the expensive lingerie I've been wanting for a long time.

"Who is that for?" I turned around to Rocky and Sebastian staring at me.

"Why are you two even in this store?"

"We're to not lose you, remember?"

"Oh get out, this is embarrassing"

"Can't disobey his orders!"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him right?" They looked at each other and then at me. Rocky left the store and Sebastian bent down to my level.

"You are trouble, I can tell" I smiled as I watched him leave and went to the fitting rooms. I looked at myself in the lingerie and smiled. I looked amazing. I bought it and headed out to the hallway. The boys were sitting on a bench and I walked up to them.

"Let's go and carry my stuff" They sighed and Rocky took my bag from me. They were kind enough to carry all of my stuff and we had to make a couple trips to the car... and to the mall. I bought some decorations for my room including paint. Sebastian had the guards help us carry everything up into my room and I dropped the $.78 into boy toy's hand.

"I gave you $5,000 and I only have change left over?" I nodded.

"You gave it to me and I'm going to spend it!" I rearranged the bedroom and bathroom and it was finally to my liking. I decided to paint the room tomorrow and grabbed the laptop I bought. I set it up and then grabbed my new phone. I sent a text to my dad to reach out to me when he can and that I forgive him and understand his decision.

"So that's where most of my money went?" I looked up at boy toy looking inside my closet. I shook my head and pointed on my bed and to the furniture and decorations along the walls. He looked down at me and held the Victoria's Secret bags up. I snatched them out of his hand and threw them away.

"Why are you in my business anyways? Get out" He chuckled and headed for the door.

"Oh, it's movie night by the way. Just thought I'd inform you!" I looked at the date and it was a Friday night. I grabbed my new pajama set and a blanket before running to the living room. I sat by Sebastian and boy toy sat beside me. I rolled my eyes and ate some of the popcorn. They had beer and vodka out and I wanted to drink, but knew a lot better than to drink around strange guys. We watched three movies in a row and by the end I was feeling tired. I headed towards my room and put the leftover clothes into my closet before changing the sheets on my bed. I set the old ones out into the hallway to move to the trash later on, and then I headed back to bed. I checked my phone and had a text from my dad. I called him and he picked up on the first ring. I told him about how everything was going and he sounded grateful that I was alright. He explained everything and we ended up on decent terms by the time I hung up and fell asleep.

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