Chapter 15

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It's been a day since I saw her. And yet again she's all I can think about. I feel more drawn to her that she didn't jump right in when I asked her to go on a date. Girls dive at these opportunities with me but her, she's different. I like it. I can't even sleep because I have her stuck on my mind so I've decided to go for a walk by the beach. It always seems to help. The emptiness of the town and side walks. Hearing nothing but the waves crash upon the rocks always seems so peaceful.

I stop at the rocks where the sea doesn't quite reach, staring off into the distance, nothing but darkness. Little light reflecting from the moon. Thousands of stars above me, it removes all the fog from my mind. Makes me feel steady. I take my phone from the right side of my pocket, checking too see if I've received any messages from him. But of course I haven't. Typical father. I slip it back into my pocket,  continuing my walk towards the sea.

As I near to the sea, i embrace the smell of salt. I've always found myself here to pass time, listening to the calm waves crash against each other. Enjoying the feeling of nothing else mattering.

I walk closer towards the ocean as I perceive the cold water strokes on my feet. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath in, exhaling, listening to the waves, the birds chirping. The sound of a bottle cap catches my attention. I look to my left, descrying a figure stood in the ocean a few yards from me. The water reaches to their stomach, they stands there, drinking out of a bottle, facing the moon. Curiosity gets the best of me as I slowly, quietly move towards them.

As I get closer, I acknowledged email that their are girl. I analyze the curls in her long hair that reaches her hips. Shes wearing a dark hoodie that's far to big for her. Getting nearer, I glimpse the side of her face where the moon shines brightly. Surely not. I steadily move closer to ease my disbelief but I'm wrong. It's her. Delilah. I stop in my tracks. Why is she here? At this time? Drinking alcohol, and stood that deep in the ocean. I inhale sharply as I continue making my way over to her. I scan the bottle she holds up to her mouth. Tequila. I smirk, I guess she's not as good as gold as I thought she was.

" I never thought you'd be the type to drink a whole bottle of tequila " I say, standing a few feet behind her, debating whether to go as deep into the water as she is. I scan her, waiting for her to move but she doesn't. She doesn't turn her head, she doesn't speak. She makes no acknowledgment. 

I clear my throat, maybe she didn't hear me. "What are you doing?" I ask. I slowly make a few steps towards her, letting the ocean wash upon my legs as the coldness causes the hair on my arms to shoot up. I open my mouth to speak again but she turns her head. Her eyes are the first I look at, they're blood Shot, red and puffy. But empty, lost and pained. I can see the drunkness, I can also see straight past it.

"Could ask you the same thing." She whispers. Moving closer to her, I get a width of alcohol from her direction. She sure has drank a lot. I sense how vulnerable she is, I can see that she isn't in the right mind set to be here, in this state, but I can't help but want to ask why.

"I like to walk down here sometimes. It's quite, nobody's around. " I quietly say. She whispered when she spoke, I understand she doesn't want the loudness of my voice echoing behind her. I watch closely as she nods in response.

"So why are you here?" I question. Curiosity consumes me. I'm not the type to be nosy, but with having her on my mind all day, I cant seem to help it. Damn I've met her twice and I feel as though she has this invisible lead that draws me to her, to want to know her.

"It's peaceful here" Shes not wrong about that. But that's not why she's here. A young girl, drunk at stupid hours at night, stood in the ocean, would not be doing that because they find it peaceful.

I move around her body to see the front of her face. I can't figure anything out looking at her back. I acknowledge the tears rolling down her cheeks which confirms she's definitely not here because she finds it peace full. 
"Are you okay?" I ask

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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